
Im here to lose 20 (lbs) im sure i will learn a lot durring my fitness journey !:smile:


  • auval622
    auval622 Posts: 15 Member
    You sure will....everyone here is very helpful! good luck! :happy:
  • naturalbeautybell
    ----Thanks...I love fitness ! Im taking it one day at a time . I have lost a lot of weight already and looking forward to losing plenty more. I'm glad that sites like this are avaliable to view . It helps cause i don't have to write anything down . Plus i can get tips here and i can offer tips to others as well . Losing weight for me is so filling and it makes me feel good ! ( confidence booster)
    Im already smaller than i was just a year ago and it feels good to be a new size . Just got some more to lose.:happy: