Getting tired - what do I do?

I'm getting so tired of always having to think about what I should eat - logging it to make sure it fits into the plan - replanning if it doesn't fit into the plan. I know this is part of losing weight and learning how to eat healthier. I'm just tired. I need some ideas on how to get past this because I really don't want to give in to the temptation of a night of munchies and desserts.

Can you suggest any "good" munchies/desserts too?

Thanks for any ideas.


  • xboomerx
    xboomerx Posts: 29 Member
    If your craving sweets at night try Philly Swirls Sweet Delights from Wal-Mart. They are an ice cream bar with only 14 Calories and 4 Carbs. Sugar Free, Fat Free and Gluten free. Around $2. Eat more protien. Snack on nuts and peanut butter. Nuts are a bit high in calories but contain good protein and fats - try to get unsalted variety. I snack on natural almonds from Wal-Mart a lot - about $6.50 a pound and one serving is usually enough to keep me full a couple of hours. I also snack on peanut butter spread on Wasa multi grain crip bread - it's like a big cracker and taste great with the PB on it.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Start by planning your meals around your veggies. Make them your main ingredient and the grains and protein your "sides." They are automatically nutritious and low in cals. Then you have less to worry about and don't need to freak out about monitoring it so much.

    Then eat when you are hungry, stop when you feel full. Drink lots of water with your meal to help your body feel full. If you are hungry and you plan to eat in an hour, don't wait: have a light snack. The more nutritious your food is, the less cravings you'll have later.

    Hubby and I like to snack on air popped popcorn at night. Low in calories and fills the need to "munch"
  • lovingmy3boys
    lovingmy3boys Posts: 3 Member
    There really are lots of choices you just have to look for them! Special K has a Chocolatey Pretzel bar that is amazing and a whopping 90 calories. I just tried the Fiber Plus Caramel Coconut Fudge Bar and those are good too at 120 calories. You don't have to give up sweets! You just need to find snacks that satisfy your craving with less calories!
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    I've had the same feeling before. I think my best advice is to not let it completely consume you. If one day you have a piece of chocolate or have to have a sandwich from a deli due to lack of prep instead of fish & veggies, ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Its about a balance.

    I find my best way to stay on track is I usually buy my groceries on sunday for the whole week. A few breakfast options (Cereal, eggs, lean turkey sausage, whole wheat waffles). Snacks (carrots, almonds, boiled eggs, apples, grapefruit), Lunch options (grilled chicken slices, bags of veggies you steam microwave, lean cuisnes with low sodium, tuna, etc) and then some desert treats (100 calorie chips ahoy, weight watchers mini fudge cakes, skinny cow ice cream). So that all the options are there for me to stay on track without really over thinking it all week. I do allow myself a cheat day on the weekend where I eat whatever I want- (I dont binge on horrible food all day but i dont let the calorie counting consume me and have what i want).

    Also if theres a night where well gosh the only thing available is ravioli and a piece of garlic toast, again its not the end of the world! You have to figure if you are good to your body & making healthy choices 90% of the time, a treat/cheat here & there wont hurt your weight loss. It also helps so you don't go crazy and get bored!

    Hope you find the motivation :)
  • hannah723
    hannah723 Posts: 17 Member
    I feel ya! I sometimes wonder if it's all worth it, especially when life gets crazy busy or you feel like you're missing out on fun. But have you ever tried to learn something new like an instrument or a new program at work? You just have to teach yourself how to be a healthier person.. and that takes time! So don't be hard on yourself and take it one day at a time!
    As for good muchies... fill up on whole grains and protein.. think of your body as a machine don't but crap in there (like stuff with 57 ingredients) or you'll feel crappy and more likely to give up all together!
    Hope this helps!
  • cassidystreasures
    wheat thins, cherios, low calorie crackers, fruit

    I have the above pre serving sized in sandwich baggies. This helps me take one and munch, plus i dont go over board
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    freeze some grapes, they are like candy when you eat them and have the bonus that you cant eat them fast. Not very portable though.:smile:
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Let yourself give in sometimes. When I first started I had big cheat days on the weekends where I'd either go out to restaurants or I'd eat some cookies or chips or whatever junk I was craving. As I've come along I've gradually cut out the bad foods so that I no longer crave them. Now that I eat so many fresh fruits and vegetables and other healthy foods for the most part, I don't want soda, sugar , chips, or other bad foods. When I do have a day off and don't worry about going over on calories I'm still eating healthy foods (for the most part).

    Don't feel bad about having cravings or giving into them sometimes. It won't hurt your long term goals and it will help keep you sane in the meantime. Curbing the cravings is a slow process.
  • deevmo
    deevmo Posts: 2
    Wow - thanks for such quick responses! I will definitely look into some of the things you all suggested. I was bringing fruit for snacks, but then I would run out of carbs really fast, so I find myself shying away from that even though fruit is suppose to be good.

    I like the idea of planning my meals around the veggies rather than just using veggies as the filler.