Help Im getting discouraged

I have been working out, eating right and running like crazy for about 1 week straight and I am seeing a little bit of change in my body shape but the LBS dont want to get off. I know its only been a week but i thought i would at least see one LB. Grr


  • immskris
    You'll be seeing results very soon I'm sure, don't give up now!! It takes time.... wait another week and see how it goes. Also I was told that if you eat the same type of foods all the time you'll platuea with your weight.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Don't give up! :happy: Some bodies don't take well to a change, especially a drastic change like adding new diet and routine in the same week! You WILL benefit from your hard work! Please give yourself more time, and if needed, hide that scale! Don't let the LBS tell you that you aren't winning.

    Make sure to choose healthy calories to fill your day
    drink PLENTY of water!
    get 8 hours of sleep each day (this is often overlooked and SO important!)

    You are doing AWESOME and I think you should keep it up!! :flowerforyou:
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Losing weight is a long road. It's a process and there are no quick fixes. It will take you probably longer than you hope to get to where you want to be, but if you keep working and don't give up, you'll get there.
  • xboomerx
    xboomerx Posts: 29 Member
    Give it some more time. Make sure you get plenty of water and watch your sodium - you should shed some water weight easily.
  • ajswriter
    ajswriter Posts: 117 Member
    Be patient--everyone plateaus and then the weight starts to come back off. I have been on month-long plateaus before. Keep doing what you're doing, maybe change up the exercise routine slightly, and you'll see change. :)
  • cassidystreasures
    did you measure yourself? Have seen quite a few posts on here where someone thought they werern't losing till they measured,
  • monkey18
    Oh NO NO NO dont give up...stay with it ..your doing great make sure your eating enough.. water too. hang in there we are all here for you.!!!!
  • mmilloy
    Totally there too! It's amazing how fast we can put the weight on, and yet it seems to take 3 times as long (or more!) to lose it. We just have to stick with it and judge by how our clothes are fitting us and not just by the scale. Here for ya!
  • Skinnybab
    Thank you guys I really am going to hide the scale.. and add more water. I never thought to measure myself but i think i will now. Do you have any suggestions on how to not get into the starvation mode but not to eat too many Calories. With the fitness pal I feel like im eating too many calories and maybe need less carbs but i was wondering if you guys have followed the calorie plan and actually lost????
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Hang in there! It's only been a week and you didn't gain weight overnight so don't plan to lose it that way. It might be a bit before you SEE changes so focus on how you FEEL. How great do you feel after a workout? After you eat a balanced meal instead of drive-thru?? That should be worth it.
  • Skinnybab
    Hang in there! It's only been a week and you didn't gain weight overnight so don't plan to lose it that way. It might be a bit before you SEE changes so focus on how you FEEL. How great do you feel after a workout? After you eat a balanced meal instead of drive-thru?? That should be worth it.

    That is true... definatly need to change the focus.. thank you :)
  • deegeew
    deegeew Posts: 1 Member
    The EXACT same thing happened to me, but at week 2, I had lost 4 pounds and 2 more at week 3. Hang in there!:happy:
  • Skinnybab
    Totally there too! It's amazing how fast we can put the weight on, and yet it seems to take 3 times as long (or more!) to lose it. We just have to stick with it and judge by how our clothes are fitting us and not just by the scale. Here for ya!

    It is kind of ironic huh... thank you for ur support
  • Skinnybab
    The EXACT same thing happened to me, but at week 2, I had lost 4 pounds and 2 more at week 3. Hang in there!:happy:

    Hopefully the same thing will happen to me and by the way congrats on losing the 6 lbs..
  • dianne0099
    You may be experiencing a shift from fat to muscle. I seem to gain or stay the same for a while when I first start working out again. Remember-muscle weighs more than fat. If you are seeing any change in the way your clothes fit, you are doing the right things. Keep it up! And focuson your long term goals.
  • Cathleenr
    Cathleenr Posts: 332
    "I have been working out, eating right and running like crazy for about 1 week straight "

    Do you have an exercise plan? Its as much your mind as it is your body and if you can't see where you are going, you won't know when to turn.

    Strength training + some cardio = sucess, but you have to have a baseline and work up from there. When I started with weights (NROL/Women), I think I could deadlift 10 pounds. OK maybe it was more, but you get the idea. Same thing with bench presses and pushups....I felt like a 6 year old who didn't have ANY muscles! but at least I had a starting point.
    And yes, I had to reorganize my thinking that I COULD eat more and <gasp> have fats and eat late at order to prepare my body for the next days training.
    It's amazing. I started at size 18 and I am an 8. I love the definition I have...while my muscels are at rest! I think I've lost 6 inches in my bust, but instead of saggy boobs, my chest muscles support them and they look better than ever! I used to run 5-6 miles every other day but now I do 13 minutes intervals and plyo a couple times a week on non-training days and thats the only cardio I do...yet I went out and did 6 miles just the other day cause I had the time. It was a breeze. I hadn't lost any endurance and my legs felt like they could go forever.
    I deadlift 135 goal weight! Its been 7 weeks, almost time to start a new strength cycle and I am looking forward to whatever that cycle brings me!

    The point is, take some time to plot out a roadmap for whatever your goals are and keep on it. Sometimes your results will be actual pounds and sometimes it will be inches....if you are always going longer, faster, harder and heavier, even if it is incremental, you WILL be making progress and that WILL be noticable.
  • Cathleenr
    Cathleenr Posts: 332
    You may be experiencing a shift from fat to muscle. I seem to gain or stay the same for a while when I first start working out again. Remember-muscle weighs more than fat. If you are seeing any change in the way your clothes fit, you are doing the right things. Keep it up! And focuson your long term goals.

    No, a pound of muscle weighs as much as a pound of fat. It does take up less room, though :)
  • i24him
    i24him Posts: 8
    Toss the scale idea for the moment. Concentrate on: you feel better, you are doing great, you are doing fantastic, you are consistent, DO NOT stop doing what you have started because some silly number at your feet. Defeat the scales. You sometimes gain muscle and are loosing fat. Muscle weighs more than fat. Muscle is compact takes up less space! It is harder heavier, a pound of fat (a blob), a pound of muscle,(square cube). Just an example, think these things: eat right, exercise, healthy, happy, progress, changing HOW you live your life is better. You will be happier and when you are happier with you, others will add immeasurably to your happiness, and likewise. It is just a better you. Don't forget you are changing and it takes time. Sometimes it takes awhile for the change to really kick it up in, clothes, scales(forbid) don't use them too much to WEIGH your success. Let your attitude of "I'm healthy, I'm fit, I feel good, I love me, I love my family, they love me. Enjoy life, be patient for the change to physically show. Think of yourself, imagining in your mind, how you want to look, OK, got that picture in your mind. Now, look how you walk, look in the mirror, oh you like what you see!, like the way you hold your head up, posture is better. Now, you keep all those and more. Start carrying your self like you are already there. It will come to pass all that you can imagine, when you keep all the positive in front of you and not a set of numbers. Who knows in another week or maybe the next you body will kick into high gear and the metabolism will be off the chart. Not all of this is physical. Mind set is really the most important and then following through, being consistent and committed to what you have set your mind on. There is a formula for eating also, you have to eat enough and enough of the right combinations, at the right times. The before and after work outs , combining protein carbs, getting the right amount of the healthy required fats. If you do not do this your body will actually feed off of itself. Meaning it will eat your muscle off before the fat. Drinking water also. NOT worrying this is a NO NO when trying to loose fat. Sleep is a must. Especially you are working out hard, IT IS MUST. I am not a speller, not a grammar person, not an expert at this stuff. I have just experienced a lot of this. Learned a lot on videos on the Internet, this one guy is really good, I have joined this to get in shape. I think I wrote this more to me than to you I hope it helps you. PLEASE, just keep doing your workouts, eat right, think right, sleep right, it will be right. ++++++++++++++remember ++++++ positive. :flowerforyou: Do not speak negative of any of this.:flowerforyou: Always always say positive. You did the right thing , if you need encouragement yell HELP, in need encouragement. Change even how you say it. : Look at this see if you think it makes a difference, ( things have been taught to us negatively, to even without knowing say it negative). Tell me if you see a difference" Help I'm getting discouraged." Help, I need encouragement." I am working on this. Someone pointed it out to me. Like I have to go to the store. You don't have to. Instead, "I am going to the store, to get milk, a few groceries, or whatever, to pick up the things on my list." This is probably way more than you wanted to hear. Just sharing my thoughts. I am a jabber box. Hang in there Baby, you are doing great!!!!!!:smile: A little embrassed:blushing: :smile: to post of this but I will, in hopes it will cheer you up and encourage you to keep positive. Being positive is the very most important part of being consistent and committed. I needed this thank you:happy:
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    wondering if you guys have followed the calorie plan and actually lost????

    Absolutely I have! :) I am nearly 10lbs down since I started in the last week of December. I stay under my recommendations 98% of the days and love seeing that if I work out, I earn more to eat! Before trying to lose weight I would eat 3000 calories + a day. Now I can't imagine even TRYING to eat 2000, I get so full at 1500 and 1200 is quite easy for me to do :)
  • Skinnybab
    "I have been working out, eating right and running like crazy for about 1 week straight "

    Do you have an exercise plan? Its as much your mind as it is your body and if you can't see where you are going, you won't know when to turn.

    Strength training + some cardio = sucess, but you have to have a baseline and work up from there. When I started with weights (NROL/Women), I think I could deadlift 10 pounds. OK maybe it was more, but you get the idea. Same thing with bench presses and pushups....I felt like a 6 year old who didn't have ANY muscles! but at least I had a starting point.
    And yes, I had to reorganize my thinking that I COULD eat more and <gasp> have fats and eat late at order to prepare my body for the next days training.
    It's amazing. I started at size 18 and I am an 8. I love the definition I have...while my muscels are at rest! I think I've lost 6 inches in my bust, but instead of saggy boobs, my chest muscles support them and they look better than ever! I used to run 5-6 miles every other day but now I do 13 minutes intervals and plyo a couple times a week on non-training days and thats the only cardio I do...yet I went out and did 6 miles just the other day cause I had the time. It was a breeze. I hadn't lost any endurance and my legs felt like they could go forever.
    I deadlift 135 goal weight! Its been 7 weeks, almost time to start a new strength cycle and I am looking forward to whatever that cycle brings me!

    The point is, take some time to plot out a roadmap for whatever your goals are and keep on it. Sometimes your results will be actual pounds and sometimes it will be inches....if you are always going longer, faster, harder and heavier, even if it is incremental, you WILL be making progress and that WILL be noticable.

    That is Very true, I will try that and let you know how it goes. Thanks again