Starting again...

Hi, I joined some time ago, but never filled in my profile, didn't use the boards or requested friends. I did really well for a while with my eating and exercise, but old bad habits keep creeping back!
I hope that by making some friends and using the board I will remain inspired and not fizzle out this time!
Have a nice weekend everyone!


  • leweverling
    Welcome glad to see you participating and good luck on your journey.
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    Welcome back! Good luck on your weight loss!
  • 6Crooks
    Good luck, I feel like I am constantly starting again....don't beat yourself up! This is my first time actually writing down every morsel I put in my mouth and it is an eye opener for sure.
  • PearlMarie_3gen_11484
    Good luck on your Journey. Friend request sent. :smile:
  • Shawnarose
    Shawnarose Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome back! Words I am going to try hard not to use....I am here for the long haul - I am here to see what a difference a year will make!
    Add me as a friend, we can do this together!