Whole Foods, has sold out to Monsanto



  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Aldi's scares me.

    Heheh. I know what you mean!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    Well I have to disagree with this hysteria about GMO crops. Roundup ready alfalfa will increase Roundup use which is one of the more benign herbicides out there. This will increase production and decrease overall herbicide use, which is good for all of this.

    And, no using no herbicides does not work. Organic crops have lower productivity and require lots of tillage, which leads to increased soil erosion. This increase soil erosion is not sustainable and is largely ignored by the organic community. And lower production leads to higher food prices and large land areas required for food production. There are more than 6 billion people now with predicted increased to 12 billion in the next 50-100 years. GMO has the potential to increase food production on a smaller footprint and will be increasingly important this century.

    People should realize that almost of the insulin these days is produced by GMO modified bacteria, with great benefit and lower cost. It is time to stop rejecting all GMO and look at a better evaluation of the potential and risk of GMO, without rejecting them out of hand.

    My opinion.

    Well my opinion on this is............

    If people were to go back to purchasing their food from local and sustainable resources and not the large corporate conglomerates we wouldn't need all the insulin because the Diabetes epidemic would go away.

    Maybe you don't mind eating genetically modified foods or cloned animals, but this is against the rules and laws of nature and I want NO part of it.

    so when you live in a large, urban, extremely poor city, where are these local and sustainable resources found? are they going to take food stamps? are they going to set up shops that people can walk to or take public transportation to? are they going to keep prices affordable?

    i'm just curious as to your responses. would i love to be eating free range, grass fed chicken/beef? of course. i do my very best to eat seasonal veggies/shop at the farmer's market, but i live in a large poor urban area where this type of food is essentially not available unless you have a car and a lot of money to spend on food. while we do have community gardens, they are few and far between. i'm all for non GMO products and sustainable agriculture, but in some places, it's just not there. can you think of solutions to this?

    If you're interesting there's a USDA listing of Farmer's Markets


    thanks :) i am fortunate enough to have transportation to several different farmer's markets in the area. i will certainly pass the info on to my clients that i work with (i'm a social worker). i'm just more concerned that the kids i work with eat total crap all the time (Oreos? Cheetos for breakfast), and that the parents buy that stuff simply because it keeps their kids fuller longer, and here, it's much cheaper to buy junk than fresh food (although that often changes in the summer, when it's warmer).
  • pgp_protector

    Maybe you don't mind eating genetically modified foods or cloned animals, but this is against the rules and laws of nature and I want NO part of it.

    If it was against the laws of nature then it wouldn't happen.
    Given it's happening, then it's not against the laws of nature.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    ...so they gave up that easily!!!...this disgusts me!

    I've never shopped at whole foods-too $$$ for me, but I did buy stoneyfield etc..no more! I started shopping at Trader Joes and love their food and prices. I also visit my local farmers markets and grow my own veggie garden. We can not let companies like this win!
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    Whole Foods has always been largely a scam. It was never some organic crusader. It was a company looking to make a profit off of selling overpriced food to health conscious consumers. They aren't giving in because they have any loyalty to any specific person. They're doing this because they figured out how to make more money off of it.

    Agreed. Whole Foods is just as much a big box retailer as Target or Wal-Mart. Think about it - where does Whole Foods put in its new stores? Down the freakin' street from local health food stores (at least, that's how they do it around here). This is why I prefer to support my local health food stores and farmers instead of Whole Foods. A local business is more likely to care about its community, and is less likely to pack up and leave when the going gets tough. A local store tends to support local farmers and ranchers. This isn't the first time Whole Foods has been in the news for being unscrupulous.
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member

    The fact that you feel the need to be condescending and patronizing says a lot about your maturity. I have been nothing but polite toward you.

    Nevertheless, thank you for the links.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    As I said, TJ's PRODUCE is awful. Now please STOP bothering me to look for links for YOU doll. Do your own research! You're a big girl!
    Yeah! What kind of a world is it where people actually expect us to back up what we say!

    Jesus Christ!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member

    The fact that you feel the need to be condescending and patronizing says a lot about your maturity. I have been nothing but polite toward you.

    Nevertheless, thank you for the links.

    You're welcome. Take an especially good look at the UTNE reader one, it says that ONLY Aldis/TJ's verifies that they are actually non-GMO - no 3rd party has and a site called SUSTAINABLE LIVING (can't find the link atm) is doubtful that TJ's is what they "claim", that was actually one of the reasons cited by people opposed to TJ's opening up in Berkeley, CA. And like I said I've shopped at Aldi's in Germany.....they're not WF by any means. And on the east coast there are actually Aldi stores in the USA but I have not been to them.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member

    Maybe you don't mind eating genetically modified foods or cloned animals, but this is against the rules and laws of nature and I want NO part of it.

    If it was against the laws of nature then it wouldn't happen.
    Given it's happening, then it's not against the laws of nature.

    These seeds are not naturally growing, therefore a manmade products like cars and computers. Except they are expecting us to eat this crap. So, yes it is against the laws of nature as it is being created out of an energy force other than natural occurrences.

    These companies have the earth so out of balance with nature, it is no wonder why we are getting sickness and illness at such alarming rates.

    Me - I am getting back in tune with nature.

    I, for one, am not going to stand for it.

    I received word from both of my CSA's and they said No one is treating their soil. They are using cow manure to fertilize the ground in which our vegetables and fruit is grown.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member

    Well my opinion on this is............

    If people were to go back to purchasing their food from local and sustainable resources and not the large corporate conglomerates we wouldn't need all the insulin because the Diabetes epidemic would go away.

    Type 2, perhaps...but it's going to take a lot more than that to rid the planet of autoimmune type 1, unfortunately.

    I think this will be the year that we get a share or portion of a share in a local CSA. I need to go back to making my own yogurt, too.
  • Sheepdog22
    what the fu.... I cannot believe they sold out to Monsanto. People need to go back to growing their own produce or buying it from local farmers markets where you can interact with the source of the food and ask questions like "do you use GMOs or genetically altered seeds." Maybe that would slow them down. Then again they are basically backed by the government so they get away with whatever they want. Just sickening.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I have no love for Monsanto, and I've never shopped at WF because there isn't one near me, but I must say that the original article posted is the most biased pieces of journalism I've read in a while. No credibility, in my opinioin, if you're biased from the start. Of course, I'm a scientist, so what do I know?

    And for what it's worth, all of you who have more than one natural-born child are the cause of this problem. Over population is the root cause of the famine companies like Monsanto are trying to address. You will never have sustainable true organics as long as we continue to reproduce beyond the capabilities of the earth to sustain our population.

    Fire at will.
  • Nics1009
    This is very sad but thank you for spreading the information. Like you, I am not big on politics, but the problems with Monsanto has made me feel like I really need to do something. If anyone is reading this and doesn't know what the big issue with Monsanto is, go do a little reading on the companies history and then read up on GMO's themselves. You'll find yourself sucked into gathering information like I did and be sickened by what you find.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    Unfortunately, if you have a 401K, you are benefitting from the profits Monsanto makes - unless you know exactly what you are doing when you set up your account.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I have no love for Monsanto, and I've never shopped at WF because there isn't one near me, but I must say that the original article posted is the most biased pieces of journalism I've read in a while. No credibility, in my opinioin, if you're biased from the start. Of course, I'm a scientist, so what do I know?

    And for what it's worth, all of you who have more than one natural-born child are the cause of this problem. Over population is the root cause of the famine companies like Monsanto are trying to address. You will never have sustainable true organics as long as we continue to reproduce beyond the capabilities of the earth to sustain our population.

    Fire at will.

    You definitely make a lot of sense to me.....oh, you're a scientist! No wonder!! :)
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    And for what it's worth, all of you who have more than one natural-born child are the cause of this problem. Over population is the root cause of the famine companies like Monsanto are trying to address. You will never have sustainable true organics as long as we continue to reproduce beyond the capabilities of the earth to sustain our population.

    Fire at will.
    I definitely won't attack you. I am the child of an only child, I married an only child (his 2 first cousins are themselves only children) and we have only one child. We had many reasons for stopping at one, but wanting to be less of a burden on the planet's resources played heavily in our decision. We require less food, less home, and smaller cars with only 1 kid.
  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    If you get the chance, watch Food, Inc. (previously posted) and Food Matters. Netflix is my new best friend.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member

    You know what this makes me want to do? Research how to grow vegetables in your home during the winter, and learning how to can all that wonderful stuff during the summer.
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member
    And for what it's worth, all of you who have more than one natural-born child are the cause of this problem. Over population is the root cause of the famine companies like Monsanto are trying to address. You will never have sustainable true organics as long as we continue to reproduce beyond the capabilities of the earth to sustain our population.

    Fire at will.

    I will say nothing but that I find this judgmental, closed-minded attitude sickening as well.

    I won't be visiting this thread again.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    And for what it's worth, all of you who have more than one natural-born child are the cause of this problem. Over population is the root cause of the famine companies like Monsanto are trying to address. You will never have sustainable true organics as long as we continue to reproduce beyond the capabilities of the earth to sustain our population.
    Haha, this isn't actually true. Monsanto isn't addressing famine, either, but rather over-consumption. Their growth hormone, rBST isn't made because we actually NEED more milk. There's a surplus (or last I checked there was), hence the "Got Milk?" campaign.

    The truth of it is that there are countries who are reproducing beyond sustainable levels, but you should say something really incendiary like "it's the fault of Catholicism that we have famine problems anywhere," as their prohibition of contraceptive is the leading cause of overpopulation in many countries, as well as the furthering of AIDS in Africa. I'm not actually fully blaming Catholicism, it has aided in problems (a lot, honestly) but there are many mitigating factors.

    Anyway, all in all, it's my opinion that we're not really overpopulated. The Earth can sustain a lot, much of the reason for the loss of any of our natural resources is due to corporate greed and pollution, and then after that personal greed and pollution. If people and corporations were more conscientious and ethical then we wouldn't have the appearance of overpopulation. It's not as though people are living on every inch of inhabitable earth, or farming every available hectare. It's just that we're abusing land privileges, forcing more production from less.