Febuary Challenge anyone?

MissLadyInWaiting Posts: 152
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
So, since January is nearlly over i am setting myself a goal for Febuary, exercise EVERYDAY of Febuary for 60minutes :noway: and hopefully burn around 7000calories per week (so i can lose 1kg a week) who else is with me? you dont have to exercise as long or burn as much, but you do have to try and exercise every day :smile:

i'm doing this so i can make exercising a habbit. :smile:


  • Careful! If you are not used to this sort of routine, you may injure yourself.

    I progressivly increased my activity (having been a total slob) such that in 18 months or so, I've moved to exercise for 12.5 Hrs weekly and I only manage to burn around 5,500 kcals and I am talking serious exercise regime here not being seen to be going (you know what I mean) and that also includes time off to recover - which is also important!

    Try this:

    Eat a bit less (stick to the targets on this site) and adjust your diet to include the important nutritional information (also shown on this web site) and nothing else.

    Drink more water than any other liquid - such that you meet or preferable exceed a little the targets on this web site (be prepared to make frequent visits to the loo)

    Increase your exercise progressively, as you feel able to. 7,000 kcals a week is a very serious target by exercise alone!

    Prepare yourself that weight loss takes time. 1Kg is possible but takes effort, commitment and time. I know, I've lost 44 of 'em in 73 weeks (we all have or off moments)

    Think of it all as a lifestyle change (for the better) as opposed to ‘just a diet’ to lose weight.
  • an hour of activity is extreme for me, i'm doing Zumba. and i pretty much spend my day in doors so the hour of activity is good for me. and i am only guessing around 1000 calories, i normally get to 800calories a day, but i'm going to be adding yoga + wii to my routine to up my burn abit, i know when i'm pushing myself to hard, but i would really love to spend atleast 45-60minutes a day exercising :)
  • em_lou007
    em_lou007 Posts: 117

    Good challenge - i'm in!!

    Have fun exercising :smile: EVERY day lol!!!


  • em_lou007
    em_lou007 Posts: 117
    I'm starting Zumba on Tuesday!!! xx
  • angelalisa71
    angelalisa71 Posts: 1 Member
    Sounds like a good challenge...I'm in to excercise every day....I don't think I can commit the full 60 minutes per day...but I commit to excercise everyday! Great motivation!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I like games. :bigsmile:

    So what's the challenge? 45 mins every day or 60 mins every day?

    Shall we say every activity is valid, it's just a case of doing it for long enough? If you want a rest day from harder work outs, you can do yoga or pilates instead or go for a gentle walk.

    Sounds like fun. I'm in. When do we start? 1st Feb?
  • I'm in. I am acting like my new year is FEB 1 instead of JAN. So far 2011 has sucked, so this is a fresh start for me!
  • you can do whatever activity you like, but it should go for atleast 30minutes, you know to get a good workout in. and its really just to get into the habbit of working out, cause i struggle doing it sometimes. so yeah just exercise everyday :)

    i'm going to set my tally out like this:

    Week 1 - Sunday - [what i did - how long - calories burned]
    Monday -
    Tuesday -
    Wednesday -
    Thursday -
    Friday -
    Saturday -
  • + yes, we start 1st Febuary :) i'm so excited. if i can i'm going to try and lose 4kgs in febuary + if i enjoy working out i'll make another challenge in March :D
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    As the 1st Feb is a Tuesday, we could start on Mon 31st (for those wanting to wave goodbye to a bad month!) and that way we get a full week in?

    What do you think? :smile:
  • i'm using the 30th + the 31st as my trial days, so pretty much testing out my routine and see if i like them :) that way i will go start Febuary already knowing my workouts :D ahh, this is so exciting. I definately want to lose a kg (2lbs) every week because in 3 weeks me and my boyfriend are moving the Beach :D at the moment we live in a small country town (in Australia) so i really want to feel my best when we move :D and if i lose 4kg this month i will the in the 60s for the first time in 3 years! YAY!

    since this is new to me (exercising every day) i've been thinking about writing in my blog once a day at the end of the day, like a diary. i've read EVERYWHERE that keeping a diary is really good for weigtloss and that you have more of a chance of reaching your goals :d
  • :smile:

    Week 1 - Sunday - [ Zumba - 47mins - 797calories ]
    Monday -
    Tuesday -
    Wednesday -
    Thursday -
    Friday -
    Saturday -
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    i'm using the 30th + the 31st as my trial days, so pretty much testing out my routine and see if i like them :) that way i will go start Febuary already knowing my workouts :D ahh, this is so exciting. I definately want to lose a kg (2lbs) every week because in 3 weeks me and my boyfriend are moving the Beach :D at the moment we live in a small country town (in Australia) so i really want to feel my best when we move :D and if i lose 4kg this month i will the in the 60s for the first time in 3 years! YAY!

    since this is new to me (exercising every day) i've been thinking about writing in my blog once a day at the end of the day, like a diary. i've read EVERYWHERE that keeping a diary is really good for weigtloss and that you have more of a chance of reaching your goals :d

    You will have some weeks when it just drops off and you'll get the odd week when it slows down a bit. It's important not to get discouraged when you get a slow week. :flowerforyou:

    Personally I like these challenges because, while I realise in reality I'm only accountable to myself, I like games where you feel accountable to a "team" etc. Blogs similarly create a 'public accountability' for people which can be really helpful. My food & exercise diary is public and it makes me think twice about what I put in my mouth... hahaha :smile:
  • yeah i know i will get a slow week, but as long as i lose something, even if its just a few cm of my stomach or half a kilo, as long as it's something. but i am hoping i can lose around a kg a week, that would just make me so happy if i could accomplish that. i'm really getting into exercising, i loved doing Zumba today, i was sweating so much! and my face was bright red haha. i think i'm going to go and play the Wii for a while, just to get abit more active :D

    i love Challenges, it don't feel as alone as if you doing it by yourself, it's good ot know people are doing the same as you :D
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Yayy great challenge :)

    I'm in, shall post again once i get my 60 min exercise done !
  • I would like to join, the lasttime i joined a challenge i didn't do so well so im hoping this time i can.

    Just wanted to know are you doing Zumba at the gym or on a wii/kinect? I'll also post what i did for my 60 minutes.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member

    What did we settle on in the end? I think initially you suggested 60 mins and then someone said that might be a bit much for some. Did we agree on 45mins now? A lot of gym classes are 45mins so that might suit some people well. :smile:
  • you can do whatever exercise you like as long as it's 45minutes. and you have to do it everyday :smile:

    Ally_Clare & MonaIsaac, welcome to the team :happy:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Great. Looking forward to it.

    Was out on my road bike yesterday for 60 mins and boy was it cold. Almost froze my toes off. :laugh:

    45 mins spin class tonight.
  • Week 1 - Sunday - [ Zumba - 47mins - 797calories ]
    Monday - [ Wii Sports - 25mins - 163 calories ] was too hot to do Zumba. try again tomorrow.
    Tuesday -
    Wednesday -
    Thursday -
    Friday -
    Saturday -

    Total Calories - 960 calories
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