losing sight of my goal

So i'm about a month in and have lost almost 10 pounds, but lately i've been slacking off. I've been eating a few more unhealthy things i shouldn't, and going 300 sometimes 400 calories over my goal.
I used to visualize that number on the scale for a week and work hard. Now i feel like i'm losing sight of my short and long term goals.
What helps you get back that little bit of extra motivation that pushes you further?


  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    What keeps me stay on track is a photo of me on Facebook that was taken 14 years ago and the smarta** comment by a friend "you must have eaten that skinny guy". OK wiseguy, you will eat those words. :laugh:
  • chicablanca26
    Just try to put yourself back into Day 1. Imagine the vision you had, and think of the progress you have already made. If you had that 10lbs packed back on in a month, you would be mad at yourself for not going through with it because instead of being 20 lbs thinner, you would be really hard on yourself because you lost that 10 lbs for nothing cuz you put it back on. I've been there done that. I'm personally sick of the regret. You have to discipline yourself. I lost 45 lbs 4 yrs ago, and through the last 4 yrs got lazy and put it back on. Now I'm back at week one. And I'm older now. I have to get fit now because it only gets harder the older and fatter you get. You have to decide what you really want and just commit to doing it. And when you feel like giving up , treat it as the devil trying to make you fail. You have the power and abilility to do it. You just have to get pumped up again by knowing what you could look like 6 months from now. Imagine the happiness you'd feel, then imagine how you'd feel if you just give up on it all. You will be more proud of yourself if you stick with it. Good luck!
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    How important is getting to your desired goal? It's all up to you! As long as you don't give up and do the steps needed to acomplish it. Congrats on the 10 lbs,but that is alot for 30 days! Make mini goals of say 5 lbs a month & in 1 year you will be 60 lbs lighter.
    All goes back to living a healthy lifestyle & not losing weight.. Weight loss will take care of itself if you stick to eating & exercising.
    Most people look for a quick loss & don't remember how long it took to gain the weight,so it will take aleast that long to lose it.[ there are exceptions]
    Extra motivation, me at 60 lbs obese in pictures & me at 180 in college. My wife & daughter is added incentive. As long as you believe,have faith, willpower, desire anything is possible! The only enemy is the person looking at you in the mirror! Good luck!!!
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Standing in front of a mirror with no clothes on. Trust me, it's not a pretty site. LOL. That's what keeps me motivated. I want the body I used to have back.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    You have to re-exam your reasons for waiting to change you lifestyle. Remember the satisfaction you get from food is temporary. It does not heal all wounds and soon as you're done you feel that guilt. You look in the mirror hoping to see who you want to be but the reflection is still the same. What ever is causing you to want to turn away from being a new healthier you has to be dealt with. Its time to have a long and serious talk with the person in the mirror.
  • ShaneCRoach
    So i'm about a month in and have lost almost 10 pounds, but lately i've been slacking off. I've been eating a few more unhealthy things i shouldn't, and going 300 sometimes 400 calories over my goal.
    I used to visualize that number on the scale for a week and work hard. Now i feel like i'm losing sight of my short and long term goals.
    What helps you get back that little bit of extra motivation that pushes you further?

    It's been a long road for me because I am not particularly vain about my looks. In fact, there are those who might argue I go out of my way to look a bit scraggly. Still, the weight is a health issue and for me, I truly feel better through and through if I am fit. I think you need to find that core value that says you really ought to be thin anyhow, and then use this site as a tool to learn to get there. For years I simply refused to calorie count, even though I knew it to be one of THE most effective ways to lose weight, because it was too much trouble.

    Keep using the site, and look for foods that you like that help you keep your goals. Look for a way of living that you LIKE, not one where you feel oppressed by food all the time. That's the best I can tell you, and I sure wish you luck!
  • alexhage
    alexhage Posts: 6 Member
    You can certainlylook back and try to regain that motivation that you had that first day but in my experience that is quite hard to do and can take some time. What i do, until i gain the motivation back, is to "just survive". Dont push yourself too hard, try to find a middle ground, an acceptable level. Maby you dont want to power walk for an hour, then you might walk for 45 minutes. maby you really want a certain unhealthy thing, then have a muchsmaller portion of that. Being a little over your calorie goal might not make you loose a lot of weight but probably some or you maintain your weight. that is a very good thing too.
    While you get your motivation back, just make sure you maintain your weight and find a comfortable middle ground which will get you through the tough time.