Joggin on the Treadmill

OK, this is silly, but I need some help trying to run on the treadmill... yeah I just typed that. I walk fine and do mostly uphill at a steady pace, but when I try to jog it's like I forget how. Where am I supposed to land with my foot on the back or front? I think I have been jogging on the front of my feet to prevent the machine from shaking too much. Jogging feels very unatural on this machine, of course when you've never jogged before it could explain it. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    OK, this is silly, but I need some help trying to run on the treadmill... yeah I just typed that. I walk fine and do mostly uphill at a steady pace, but when I try to jog it's like I forget how. Where am I supposed to land with my foot on the back or front? I think I have been jogging on the front of my feet to prevent the machine from shaking too much. Jogging feels very unatural on this machine, of course when you've never jogged before it could explain it. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

    you should google jogging posture.

    i land on my heel first
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I hate treadmills. I find them boring, have big feet. 15 size. 4E width. plus as you stated I worry sometimes about mistepping or shaking the treadmill. couldn't get comfortable. so I go outside. I find it more refreshing plus I like to go off trail. among nature tackling hills and stairs I run across.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Try gradually picking up the pace until you get to a jogging gait. (don't know if gait was the word I wanted to use but couldn't think of anything else.) you will be walking really fast and eventually get to the point where jogging feels natural. You are probably having that issue if you are tall because the speed and length of you strides are coinsiding, you need to figure out what speed it is for you that, that happens at.
  • syoung76
    Thanks for the suggestions! Outside sounds great... but Rochester in January... not so
  • amyamoeba
    Problem might be the speed as well? I find for my stride 4.0 is a fast walk, and 5.3 is a jog. If I have it inbetween these speeds - so too fast to walk and too slow to jog properly, I get spaghetti legs and forget how to do it altogether. haha!
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    Eventually you'll get to a point where you have to jog to keep up with the machine. I find it helpful to jog for a minute and then lower the machine's speed and walk for a minute as recovery. My personal trainer suggested that for me when I was just starting out with the treadmill. I'd never used one before!

    Good luck :)
  • Impala007
    Impala007 Posts: 293 Member
    I agree....there is sort of a range for me 4.5 to about 5.5 that is too fast for walking and too slow for running. I will also sometimes switch up between landing on my heels vs. the balls of my feet if my lower legs start to get tight.
  • Ragsdales6703
    Ragsdales6703 Posts: 14 Member
    I run heel to toe. Land on your heel and roll off your toes.
  • syoung76
    Awesome! I have noticed that gap in speed that is too fast to walk too slow to jog. It feels very awkward. Thanks for the tips people!
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I am the same, I tried it for the first time in years the other day and it felt 'wrong' but I am almost phobic of running anyway, I even dream about not being able to run away when being chased etc!

    My other issue is I have very large ummm chest...and I had to actually hold them while I jogged, it's not great. at least its not a public gym and so that is ok...but not great.
  • sarahTV
    sarahTV Posts: 65 Member
    How tall are you? Do you fit on your treadmill? I have a cheap one that I got from Walmart for around $300 and it's great for me, but I'm 5'3" my husband tried to use it and almost fell off, he's 6'3" he literally cannot run on it b/c his stride is so long his foot comes off the end. That might be why you feel awkward on there. If you can walk, use it for walking and take to jogging outside.
  • syoung76
    Height is def not my'7"
  • sarahTV
    sarahTV Posts: 65 Member
    Height is def not my'7"

    Lol, well it was worth checking :) Good luck!!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I can't jog or run on a treadmill because I can't hold on and run at the same time. I always trip after about 3 steps. I actually try to move forward and end up stepping on the stationary part. :laugh: No treadmills for me!
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    OK, this is silly, but I need some help trying to run on the treadmill... yeah I just typed that. I walk fine and do mostly uphill at a steady pace, but when I try to jog it's like I forget how. Where am I supposed to land with my foot on the back or front? I think I have been jogging on the front of my feet to prevent the machine from shaking too much. Jogging feels very unatural on this machine, of course when you've never jogged before it could explain it. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Hi -

    Lots of good posts in response to your original query. I also want to say this: The treadmill itself makes a big difference, and I know this from experience.

    You mentioned that one of your concerns is that you think you land on the front of your feet to prevent the machine shaking too much. This goes directly to the way your treadmill is built. I didn't know this until we had to replace our treadmill a few years ago. We originally had a model from Sears purchased several years ago; at the time, it was their top-of-the-line and cost about $1000 (a lot of money at the time). But, it shook quite a lot when I ran on it. It finally died, so I researched treadmills (I'm a believer in Consumer Reports) and went shopping and tried out different treadmills. I now have a lovely treadmill that hardly vibrates at all when I run on it, and it is *so* much nicer on my body.

    Like I said--lots of other good information here in the other posts. I just wanted to chime in that the treadmill itself might be a factor.

    Good luck to you, and congrats on getting into running! Over the years I've found it to be the best form of exercise for me, personally, in controlling my weight (and my stress).

  • NOLAdy
    NOLAdy Posts: 133 Member
    I prefer the elliptical, and find that I get a better workout on it. I've always been a speed walker so that may be why. Even during those times when I wasn't working out or eating right I could still walk around, say Disney World for example, and not feel any sort of fatigue. I do get on the treadmill for about 15 min. at the end of my workout but it's to wind down from the weights. And, that's still just walking. I don't feel right going at a joggers pace either, though I see a lot of people do it. It's a shame you live in upstate New York because I do play soccer (just for fun) outdoors, but I'm in the New Orleans area and we don't get nearly as cold.