Zumba XBox Kinect??

McRebecca Posts: 72
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Does anyone have this? Thinking about buying it...


  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    There's a guy here using it I think, he's on the xbox EA Sports Active 2 thread - and I think he likes it a lot.
  • Alininha
    Alininha Posts: 3 Member
    I just bought it last night. And I did it right away! It was fantastic!!!! I've done Zumba for about 5 months and the workout I got out of the game was just as good. My instructor was just named the best in Philly and following the game was like following her... so, I think that's saying something about the game. I hope it helps!!!!!
  • AndyBee
    AndyBee Posts: 171 Member
    I bought it, but not too fond of it. I tried doing the tutorials, but it just skips ahead really fast, telling me I'm doing it right when I KNOW I'm not. I can just stand still, and it will tell me I'm doing it right. sigh

    I do enjoy playing the classes though. It's tough since I dont' know the steps, but it's easier than NOT getting through the tutorial. Maybe with time I'll just learn the moves.
  • Just bought it, its fab. I do agree tho, the tutorials are hard to keep up with. The 20 min beginners class was a gd start tho
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