The winter will be the death of me!

Okay, So, I'm new here. I found this sites app on my Iphone, fell in LOVE with it, and have stuck to it.
But, I've been having an issue :(

Winter hates me. Or at least my Immune system does. Before I started this program, I was stuck at 190lbs and couldn't seem to get below it. Well, in the beginning of Dec I ended up getting the stomach flu, then shortly after a 3 wk round of a UTI that wouldn't clear up, then a viral infection, and most recently the stomach flu again. All of that managed to get my down to 185 FINALLY. Not the best way to do it, but I was going to take my new found weight and run with. My family and I have started eating healthier, being more active, as well as keeping the house cleaner :)

But heres my issue, every time I get sick (since I had my baby), I have been plagued with Nausea. Which in turn makes me eat all of like 300 calories for the day, which messes up my metabolism. My question is, how do you come back from that? Do you gradually work your calories back to normal, or do you jump right back into it? I'm never that incredibly hungry after stomach flu, so I have basically gradually worked back into. But that send my poor body into a frenzy.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Or ideas to keep me healthier :)

I wish winter would go away! Sorry if this was too long winded too!


  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I would definitely try to get back up to at least 1200 calories. Try eating calorie dense food if your stomach can handle it, like almonds, chocolate milk even. If you can, try to get some exercise in to boost your metabolism. Even going for a short walk around the neighborhood or doing a short workout DVD of something with less intensity like a beginner yoga dvd.

    Either way, if you do gain a couple pounds back from getting back into things, just know that they won't be there forever. It's best to get your metabolism back as fast as you can.
  • pcorey23
    Your body under normal circumstances will never get accustomed to 300 calories per day. So when you feel better, you should immediatly go back to your regular caloric intake because thats what your body needs to function correctly. No reason at all to "ramp" back up to your normal intake.

    Winter blows, hope you feel better.
  • MarjorieTaylor
    JUst ease back to eating your recommended calories. Don't try to push for a lot after all your body has been through since you have been sick. Don't let being sick take away from your desire to lose weight. If you can't get all of the calories you need just work on getting them back up there slowly. This isn't a contest. This is something that we are all sharing and helping each other with. It may seem so hard to keep up with this but you can do it. I slip and go over my calories but I refuse to give up. You can do this. I support you and encourage you to just ease back into the recommended calories. Hope that helps. You can add me as a friend on here if you like. I am here to support those who would like me to. Have a great day and don't give up.
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    Have you been to doctors about nausea?

    I have had problems recently and even though I thought I could not have reflux (I have a son who has had severe reflux and needed surgery) no heart burn no normal symptoms but the reflux meds are improving things.

    The reason I mention this is that you have not long had a baby by the sound of it and reflux is quite common in pregnancy and you may still have it.