What was your straw that broke the camels back?



  • spunky_spit_fire
    spunky_spit_fire Posts: 103 Member
    The Day the Dr. told me I had diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol problems, heart disease, etc ect. ect. and not happy with the way I looked I use to always be 115 - 120 pounds and I let myself go becasue of Depression and weighted 198 at the Dr Visit and I have 6 Beautiful Grandchildren and I refuse to take pictures of me and it dawned on me that my grandchildren would not have any pictures of them with their Nana in the past 2 years because of me being Fat and Ugly ! So The Time Has Come For A New Healthier Me !!! AND ONE OF MY GOALS WHEN I GET DOWN TO MY GOAL WEIGHT LIKE ABOUT 120 IS TO GET A FAMILY PICTURE WITH ME AND MY 3 CHILDREN AND 6 GRANDCHILDREN
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Let's see..
    My mom is overweight and I see her stuggle with it every day. She had knee problems, borderline diabetic, high blood pressure. It worries me because she's my best friend and I don't know where I would be without her. I want to be able to show her that if I can do it so can she. I'm hoping that once I lose some mroe she'll start going walking with me or doing the exercises with me.

    Also, I can 3 lbs away from 200. I have never been there. I can't ever remember being below 170. I always remember how much I complain about not being able to fit into cute clothes. I decided I wanted to do something about it. I was tired of making everyone listen to me B**** about it.

    I want to be a hot girlfriend. I love my boyfriend with all my heart. He and I both could use a little help in the weight department. He says he'll start eventually, and I know when he does he will lose a lot faster than me. I'm hoping that once I start to really recognize that I'm losing weight that's when he'll decide to join me.

    I guess I've just been tired of it. I want to be healthier. I want to live long enough to get married, have a family, and see them grow. I always want to inspire a few others in my life that if I can do it so can they.
  • arwsgirl
    arwsgirl Posts: 75 Member
    This Christmas my sister came back from Taiwan where she teaches/lives and she's TINY! The last time she was here I said something about loving a pair of her jeans and she gave them to me this Christmas as "incentive" to lose weight. Wow. That was well intentioned but it kinda felt like a smack in the face. :0( Now that i know my girls are happy in the gym childcare I have no excuses for not going once a day!
  • mresta
    mresta Posts: 33
    Being 23 years old, 181lbs and my doctor telling me that I was pre-diabetic, and if I didn't do anything about it I'll be diabetic before I was 30 and dead before the age of 65.

    Seemed to do the trick, got down to 129lbs, just 21 lbs to go.
  • What one thing happened to you that made you "see the light" For me it was when I changed my Facebook profile picture to one taken about 3 years ago when I was in shape. Someone commented on it praising me for all of the weight I lost, & wanted to know how much I lost and what was the magic trick... Yikes, I have yet to respond...

    wow! that'd be tough. i try not to look at older pics. yikes! actually there is one pictures that i hate looking at. i had so much of a chin its crazy. thats the pic that made me really want to lose weight. but i just kept "starting over" every week. well on jan 1 i decided i was going to have to either lose it or just quit worrying about it and just be fat and happy. right now i'm on day 29 and still going strong! ;) another thing was that my husband mentioned that i've been "dieting" since i've been with him [2007] and it's true!! since i've been with him i've actually gained 22 lbs though instead of losing.
  • The day I stepped on the scale and it said 192...that was wayyy too close for to 200 lbs for comfort. I'm now at 173 but that was the last straw.

    wow...that's another reason for me too i hit 182 which is my highest ever and was just thinking the same thing you thought "thats "weigh" (lol) too close to 200" i'm 178.2 now
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    What one thing happened to you that made you "see the light" For me it was when I changed my Facebook profile picture to one taken about 3 years ago when I was in shape. Someone commented on it praising me for all of the weight I lost, & wanted to know how much I lost and what was the magic trick... Yikes, I have yet to respond...

    Mine were some photos taken and uploaded on FB at our tri club's Christmas party. They were just awful!!
  • The Harry Potter ride at Universal Orlando! Waited in line an hour and didn't fit in the seat when I got up there. Had to leave through a Fat Ppl exit they had created just for that reason! I wasn't the only one, but was HUMILIATED!!! My husband and boys got to ride while I walked around red-faced in the gift shop. :( Have got to do this! Youngest son is begging to go back!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    For me it was when I caught my husband registered on a dating site called "Married but playing". I looked in the mirror and realized that it's my own fault and I'm not going down without a fight. After 10 years of marriage, I am not letting some skinny b**** take him from me.

    hmmm... I am not sure whether a woman's weight gain directly corresponds to, never mind is to blame for, a husbands loss of moral fibre!!! :huh:
  • donas64
    donas64 Posts: 2 Member
    Want to be around as long as possible for my 1 yr old baby girl. Gotta be fit to keep up with her! She's a bundle of energy! Plus, I want to release my inner stud! I know he's in there! I'd lost around 50 lb with weight watches but gained almost 30lbs back when I stopped going (financial reasons). I've got the exercise habit down, but my eating habit's still need work.
  • xp0sed
    xp0sed Posts: 173 Member
    I guy I used to be interested in (USED TO being the key word) called me a fat *kitten*.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It took a few weeks for me to realize the camel's back broke, but...

    In early November, my water heater bit the dust and we had to replace it. My brother and I carried it down the outside cellarway, and I forgot to close the gate before I let the dog out. And he sneaked off.

    When I realized he was missing, I ran a few blocks to the park, hoping that's where he went, and found him happily barking at a dog in a fenced in yard. "NEENER NEENER! I'm FREEEEE! And you're NOT! HA HA HA!"

    I was thrilled beyond belief when he came when I called him. And he looked so damn proud for "taking himself for a walk." So I hooked the leash on him and walked back home.

    I couldn't breathe normally for about an hour. Wheezing. Heart racing. So embarrassing, especially since I was with my brother who's 15 years my senior and regularly runs 5ks. I'm too young to be this out of shape.

    A few weeks later, I found out about the Warrior Dash, and started the Couch to 5k program. I can now jog a little over 2 miles and have lost 10 pounds. :smile:

    And I always double check the gates before letting the dog out!
  • Mine was simple but powerful for me. I was looking through my closet and realized that I was going to need more work pants really soon and that the ones that I had were getting old and TIGHT. I told my husband this, and he said that since I needed new ones anyways I could just get the next larger size since these were getting tight!! This was something that I was thinking, but when he said it out loud, it sounded way too horrible to even consider. I did not want to go to the store and look for size 18 pants!!

    I decided right then and there that I was going to do somehting about this, or have to walk around without pants. I promised myself I would not buy size 18!! I bought a case of slim fast shakes, not knowing what else to do. I got online and searched around and found this site the same night. I drank two shakes a day for two weeks and counted calories on here. I didnt stick long with the shakes, but it was a good way to begin cutting back on calories and getting used to the changes.

    I went shopping after that two weeks and fit comfortabaly into size 16 again. It wasnt a huge step but it wasnt the 18's!! I am now down 22 lbs, the same size still fits, but I can see and feel SMALL changes happening, and I know that I will not be an 18 EVER in my LIFE!!!

    Also looking at pics from a friends wedding which was a year after mine, and I looked sooooo much bigger!! Gaining weight is not the way to spend your first married year!!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    My wedding day & my wedding photos. I didn't feel beautiful (like i should have) and I cringe at our pictures. It was eye opening, and devastating to feel ugly & fat on the one day in your life you're supposed to feel beautiful. I had to change.


    So...when I'm at my goal weight, we're redoing the wedding pics. I'll put on my dress (maybe get it sized) and we'll go back to the beach with a photographer.

    :) You can do it too.

    that's exactly what we're doing :))
  • kbairdphillips
    kbairdphillips Posts: 275 Member
    I have 4 major reasons that all happened within 2 weeks of each other!!

    1. My husband tagged me in a picture he uploaded to his facebook and it not only offended me but pissed me off.......Why? Because that picture "made me" look like a whale. So, when I confronted him about it, his response was "What's wrong with that picture, it's a good picture of you and Ally (my daughter)." I was absolutely disgusted with myself, because that person in that picture, that whale, was me and that is how I looked to the entire world. The picture did not make me look fat, that's who I was! :frown:

    2. When I told my gorgeous chunky 5 year old that she wasn't having another snack because she was eating a little too much, she told me, "I want to have a big fat belly like you Momma." :embarassed:

    3. After those first two instances I decided to get on the scale (let me add that all of my clothes were really tight, I wore my work scrubs all of the time). I stepped on the one at work, and had to move the bar to 300, I weighed 306lbs. I broke down crying.:cry:

    4. Health Fair at work, I had my cholesterol checked. My total was great, my HDL on the other hand was in the low 30's (major risk for heart disease). So, I was in a major risk for heart disease in my 20's. Pretty scary stuff. :noway:

    I started starving myself immediately, then realized I needed to make a lifestyle change as did my entire family. So here I am, 5 months later and 55lbs lighter.
  • jaelanne
    jaelanne Posts: 3 Member
    I feel kinda silly for mine. It was one part closing the chapter on a very bad relationship and one part revenge. My ex is the reason I got so heavy. He was an athlete. He got injured, and decided to be a chef after he lost his job. He didn't want me jogging or cycling alone, and didn't want to go to the gym with me. I would be accused of cheating if I went out on a long ride. He wouldn't let me cook, and fed me unhealthy (albeit delicious) fatty foods and sugary desserts. He would even joke, as we both got heavier, that he was fattening me up so no one else would want me. He lost the house over five years ago in the midst of a drinking binge and (I suspect) drug use, and I lost him. I weighed 187 at the time and found out after the fact that he did indeed cheat on me. Over the course of my first two years as a happily single girl, I lost fifty pounds. Now, after maintaining that weight for so long, I am want to lose a little less then 20 more and get some more muscle, not just to be in better shape than I was before I met him. I am in my last semester of training to be a paramedic, and will be in fire college soon. After eight years as a desk jockey with someone that made me miserable, I am so thankful for the past six years. Loosing the weight changed my entire life. Keep up your faith and don't give up.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    the straw that broke my back was going from this

    to this


    (the bottom picture was at my biggest,i have since lost almost 40 pounds)
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,385 Member
    I'm 37 with toddler twins and a very active 7 year old. My husband still sees the 18 year old he married and for that I LOVE him, but I can't keep up. I want to be that mom that runs in the park with her kids and can bend down to their level without moaning and groaning to get back up. ;)
    I'd also love to play sports again. I grew up playing basketball and would love to play with my 3 kids. I loved the feeling of being healthy and the power and sexiness of toned muscles. Yep... I want to be sexy at 40 damn it! ;)
  • neenie1
    neenie1 Posts: 12
    For me it was having to link 4 large safety pins together because I couldn't zip up the zipper up on a size 16 skirt. It just killed me because I had nothing or no one to blame it on but me. My kids are in they're late teens and early 20's and I had no problem losing weight after having them. In fact I was in the best shape of my life after having my kids. I've lost about 50lbs in the past year but still have 15 to go before being at the top of my healthy weight range and another 15 before hitting my goal. One day at time.....
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    For me it was when I bought new, larger jeans to accommodate my expanding behind -- and a month later couldn't get them on. I realized I was gaining at a ridiculous rate, and it had to stop. I didn't want to get to a point where it was going to be too hard to lose the weight, because I knew that if it was too big of a job I'd never do it. I wanted to nip it in the bud.
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