Too much water??

k8smama Posts: 48
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I have a 32oz water bottle. I keep it with me at all times. I usually end up drinking 4-5 bottles of water throughout the average day. This amount includes what I drink while I'm working out. Where I work is pretty dry so I sip a lot there and I also will drink some water when I feel the urge to snack. I'm wondering if I could be drinking too much water because I haven't lost a single pound this week even though I've stayed on track with my calories and exercise all week. Should I try to cut back on it? What should I replace it with if so, since at work I do get very thirsty?? Thanks :)


  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    I wouldn't cut back on the water. If your thirsty especially. Sometimes the body just takes a minute to adjust and lose weight. I haven't lost any weight in a few weeks. frustrating i know, but keep it up. :happy:
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    It doesn't sound a lot at all. You might have to change up your workout or what you eat.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Water is good for you, except in TOOO much at one time. The only time I'ver heard (or had any problem) with too much water is when it's all consumed at one time. If you spread it out over the day, it's not a problem.
  • I keep a 500ml bottle topped up all the time and usually fill it 4 times a day , which equates to my 8 glasses a day , when i first started i gained 2bls in the first week and since then i've steadily lost 4lbs since 10th Jan , and i'm sure drinking the water has helped considerably
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Not too much water at all. In fact, the amount you should drink is half your body weight in ounces. For me, that would be 70 ounces; more if I workout and more if I go over on sodium to help flush the excess out of my body. So do the math and don't worry about going a little over. everyone's body is different and as long as you feel just fine, then it's not going to hurt you.
  • wow! that's 20 cups of water a day! I don't know if that's good or not, but I know people who would love to drink a fourth of that in a I drink about ten cups a day and I love it. I'd just ask the doc. to be sure.
  • I drink that much or more and I still lose. you may need to burn more calories.
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    I have a 20 oz bottle with me at ALL times, I drink when my body tells me too --- some days it's 4-5 of those. If you haven't lost weight this week you should try changing up your exercise --- I've noticed that since I started doing all different types of exercise, swimming, walking, hiking, jogging, cycling, I've been losing weight faster than when I was just jogging.
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    When i was in the Air Force, I spent several tours in Saudi Arabia. We would drink about a gallon a day just to stay hydrated. It sounds like you're drinking about that, at least.

    Some vitamins, kike vitamin C, are water soluble and you could be flushing them out of your body.

    Also, I don't mean to sound alarmist but, if you're drinking that much water, have you spoken to the doc? That level of thirst is consistent with an elevated blood sugar level - diabetes. My wife is diabetic and she says to have this checked ASAP!

    Better check it out.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Your water is fine... KUDOS to you for drinking so much, it will help with weight loss in the long run. Also helps with exercise because it keeps you hydrated & you'll have more endurance, plus it cushions the joints.

    Don't worry about not losing one week, weight loss is not static and for all the science & theories & advice out there, only a few people can say they lose consistently the same every week. Your body is hanging on to it right now, may take a month for it to let go. Just stick with it, make sure you exercise and watch what you eat. Be faithful and truthful about what you log - counting calories is still the best way to lose weight. Calories in vs. calories out
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