Insane February! Who is with me?

ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
So....I have the Insanity program. I was very excited to get it (cheap on Craiglist, lol). I did three whole days...about three months ago. Now it is just a dusty box of guilt on top of my TV. I really want to do it, and do it every day, but I have absolutely no one holding me accountable.

I thought it would be fun to start a group with some others who are also in this same position. We could do our fit tests the first day of Feb and then encourage each other every day! Then we can compare our awesome numbers on our subsequent fit tests! Even before and after pics! (Um, did I really just say that?!? Freaking myself out on that one!)

C'mon people, i am putting myself out there. Let's do this, together!!!


  • Bthack
    Bthack Posts: 48
    Im in!!! i was going to start at the end of Feb but I can start the first week of Feb :) Im going to start Feb 5th that way my rest day falls on a Friday! Let me know!

  • I would love to help. I need help too. But I do not have that dvd yet. I am trying to get it.

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  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I've already started and am nearing the end of week three but I'd love to join. I love to hear how other people are finding the program and motivating each other. Yesterday was the first day back for me after a week of doing nothing, trying to get back into it and carry on each day! So the more people doing insanity with me the better.
    The fit tests are awesome! they really help motivate you, seeing such a difference just between the first and second one makes you want to keep going.
  • i dont have that dvd...but im in as far as an accountability partner seeing as i need one as well! but as soon as i get the dvd im so on it with you! lol
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    I'd love to! I don't have the DVDs though. I've been searching for them cheaper. No luck yet.
  • jchapa83
    jchapa83 Posts: 71 Member
    I will be starting it today...doing my fit test this evening!!
  • I plan to start soon, but we're looking at a major ice storm here in the Midwest. I don't want to start and then lose power for days and not be able to keep up with it, so I'm waiting to see how this storm shakes out.
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