one p'd off fat chick!



  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    There is much wisdom in this thread. Two weeks is a very short time when you talking about changing the rest of your life. Patience. I did not really start with MFP so, I do not know what happened to me in the first two weeks. I do know when I started I exercised but ignored my diet and did not lose any weight for two months. Then I started logging I lost weight rapidly. It took my metabolism some time to recover from years of abuse. Make a decision now to be healthy. There is a learning curve that you must climb, you will figure it out, and we are all here to help you. Some of it is personal, what works for me may not work for you, but I guarantee you someone will point you in the right direction. What I think works for everyone is the numbers game, calories in and calories out, if there is a healthy deficit you will loose weight!

    exactly what happened to me.....I started working out and going at it like crazy but wasn't watching my calories, I actually gained weight, like a lot of weight -- got frustrated and gave up. Then I found this site and started logging everything it took about three weeks before I started "melting" that's what my husband calls it. And measurements are important - if the scale doesn't move, then the tape measure does :)
  • you all are awesome. thanks for making me smile :D i put my food diary on friends only so yall add me as a friend! lol
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Give your body at least 6 weeks to adjust. If you are doing a major overhaul, it's going to freak out at first. It's not sure what to do with excess burn (exercise) and lower and different intake (food). Our bodies like sameness, so change is hard for them. Stay off the scale for 2 more weeks, keep doing what you are doing, take in LOTS of water, and I bet you will see results. Plus, like others have said, take your measurements! Those often reflect our hard work before the scale does. Good luck to you and don't give up!!
  • I'm with the previous post that suggest measurements. Every body changes differently, perhaps yours is going to lose inches before pounds.

    Also search "metabolism type" for a quiz to determine yours. I dieted and exercised for a year with no results, then paid a lot of money to have a nutritionist tell me I was eating all the wrong foods for my metabolism. I have since found tons of information online. If you are eating the wrong foods at the wrong time of day you are going to have less success even if you are within your calorie amount.

    Besides frustrated at the lack of weight loss, How do you feel? Is the exercise getting easier?

    Find success somewhere so you can keep at it! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • oldperson
    oldperson Posts: 8 Member
    If your weight lose has stopped, it could be one of 2 things. Per my Dr & personal trainer, when I had a 2 week period where my weight remained the same, I was told by both that I was under calories, mind you I work out 5 days a week, for a total of 1hr to 2 hrs each time, combinding cardio 2 days a week with strength & cardio the other 3 days. My trainer makes up a new program for me every 2 weeks, which I follow very closely. So you need to check with a physician or trainer, but if I had to guess, I would say either under calories, or you need to do my exercising. Oldperson
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Try cutting out all processed carbs. They have no place in our life!!!!! :(

    Replace them with fruits and veggies, lots of veggies--veggies are good carbs.

    I found out too that there is no place for those carbs in my life.!
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