Fridge photo

Hi, I've been yo yo dieting for years and have sucessfully managed to gain 14lbs in a year when I wanted to lose 30lbs! I was kidding myself that I was really quite slim and I didn't really need to diet, BUT then a friend of mine tagged a photo of me on a night out, well!!!! I was disgusted by what I saw, so the picture was printed off and stuck on my fridge!
Several weeks later, frustrated by the lack of movement on the scales I came across myfitnesspal app for the iphone and here I am.
So today is the first day of the new healthy eating and exercise plan, I feel positive that I will finally shift these extra punds.
The plan is - Log everything and walk 30 mins per day to start and then start adding in some longer walks, trips to the pool etc.
I've found another iphone app whichtimes you, plays music and tracks you via gps so you know how far you've walked/run. It tells you when you're halfway, so you can either carry on or turn around and retrace your steps back home or to work. I've been using it this week in my lunch hour, so we will see if the pounds wear off before the novelty does!
Also I have signed up for a charity walk up the 3 Peaks of Yorkshire in June, so i need to get fit/ slimmer for then or I will let my team down.
Does anyone else have any ldeas for keeping the momentum going?
Thank you


  • You sound like you were doing great! I was just wondering what the name of the app was that you use to walk? It sounds really awesome!
  • yay! another Wendy! Glad you're here!
    I have been here a couple of weeks, and I've found that my biggest motivation is logging what I eat - I can't just stuff my face and ignore it, I have to face up to my decisions!
  • lbissett79
    lbissett79 Posts: 38 Member
    Once you see that scale moving in the right direction and you get a few weeks under your belt the motivation will come from within. Having to be liable for all the calories you eat (assuming you log them here) makes you aware of what it takes to lose those extra pounds and just how beneficial exercise really is. If you are true to yourself and really want to change your lifestyle this is the place to be and these are the people to have on your side.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    YOU have to be the primary motivator. Decide what you want and take steps to get there. Sounds simple and I know its not with temptation, stress, tiredness, and fear of leaving a comfort zone staring you in the face.

    I try to always ask myself: Is the choice I'm making right now moving me closer to or further from my goal?

    Other things that work for me:

    - I keep a journal of my daily activities and I have mini-goals. Every morning I re-write that mini-goal, reminds of what I'm working towards.
    - I am completely honest about my food diary. I log my crystal lite & viactiv. Not a lot of calories but they add up.
    - If I make a bad choice, I get right back on track with the next thing I put in my mouth. I don't wait until the next day, the next monday, next month, etc. Why wait? I don't beat myself up and I keep going.
    - I have a free day - I commit to a good breakfast, an extra hard workout, and then I don't worry about if for the rest of the day.

    Good luck - the best advice anyone can give you is KEEP AT IT. Fall down 7 times, get up 8. If you keep moving, you will get there.
  • I feel your pain, can't stand being tagged in photos, but by 2012 I hope I will want to be in front of the camera instead of behind! I am new too and have tried anything and everything and hoping after 20+ years of the yo-yo, this time will be my last and will be the first of a complete lifestyle change. 2011 has had a rough start but I hope to come out the other side better and stronger!
  • Hi, It's called C25K (Couch to 5 K) It's really a running app, but as it gets you to warm up for 5 mins then run for 60 secs, walk for 90 secs for 20 mins and then cool down for 5 mins, I walk briskly in the walk parts and walk faster in the run parts. The 45 minute run is good for an hours walk, again there's a 5 min warm up and cool down period so it gives you 55 mins. It costs £1.39 (I think) and 59p for the gps tracking but I think it's worth it and you never know, once I've dropped a few pounds, i might even start to use it to run :)
    Thank you for your lovely comments :)
  • madeejitt
    madeejitt Posts: 1 Member
    I’m definitely printing a fridge photo! 🤨
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    A fridge photo would not have motivated me at all. I'd see that more like self-hatred and shaming. I know people think/operate very differently though.

    Come to think of it, I have one photo on my fridge of my husband and I. I weigh 100 lb less now than in the photo but it's a flattering cute picture of our faces.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member