Hi All!

Talk about leaving your comfort zone. This definitely is new and different to me, but keeping track online is appealing because it gives me an excuse to slow down at least once a day and THINK about what I'm doing. That is my first goal: get on every day and log what I am eating. It's 2:30, I just joined, I'm over my fat and protein recommendation, and I only have 2 calories left for the day! Good grief. Still, it's better to have a true goal instead of the fuzzy, vague, moment-by-moment, a-little-won't-hurt, I'll-start-tomorrow program I've been on. Time to step up and step out!


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    try logging in with your cup of coffee in the morning and pre plan your meals. This way you have a good idea of what kind of wiggle room you get throughout the day. I believe it is key in maintaining proper health is proper planning. Or else, you know where we end up at/.................the FREAKIN drive thru! I have not been to a fast food joint since the day I started my journey 15 weeks ago and I dont miss it one bit! but I do go out to eat dinner once every week. It has not hurt me in any way because I make the right choices and I tell my serve how I want it cooked. Good luck!
  • CarrieWard
    My first time logging on, I was over my calories by 1500!!!! Talk about an eye opener! Send me a friend request! We can do it!!!