
Hi, I am ermims422. I've been using this site for about a week. I work at a high school in Georgia and the faculty and staff at our school began a competition with the faculty and staff at one of our rival high schools. We started on the Tuesday after MLK. I am told that I am the biggest loser at our school for the first weigh in. I lost 8.8 pounds. I have enjoyed this site so far with only posting and keeping to myself but have decided to take it to the next level by introducing myself and joining in on some of the topics. Thank you in advance for allowing me to be part of your group. :smile:


  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Welcome to MFP, ermims. That's quite an interesting challenge your schools are hosting--good luck to you! Congrats on your success so far, too. :-)
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Welcome!!! :flowerforyou:
  • lilbylil
    lilbylil Posts: 20 Member
    i'm new too and have been on for less than a week. i generally don't make my results or food public, but decided to do so this time and to post and not remain anonymous for once in my life. thought it might help me be a bit more accountable. anyway, welcome to you... and to me!! congrats on your weight loss so far and here's to continued success for you.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Welcome and congrats on your weight loss thus far! Once you figure out all the tools MFP has to offer you'll keep pinching yourself because it's too good to be free! Good luck on your weight loss journey!