hello from a newbie :)

Hi all, just to introduce myself, found this site a couple of days ago and am just finding my way around now! I love it so far and find that inputting my details (food and exercise) really is helping keep me motivated.
Welcome any friends :)


  • ermims422
    I just made my first post a few seconds ago also. I have been using this site for about a week and I also love it. Good luck with the goals you have set for yourself. I would love to lose about 40 pounds but more than anything else just want to be healthy. I have diabetes. Since I started (Tuesday after MLK) I have lost 8.8 pounds.
  • blondie_0506
    Welcome to the site!!! Hope you get all your goals met :)
  • leiamt
    leiamt Posts: 12
    hi been on the site for a week still get lost sometimes and put things in the wrong place i'll get there in the end would like to make as many friends as possible to help me on the way to weight loss
  • jennigriff
    Welcome! I have been using this for about a month now. I love it. So far I have lost 11 pounds. :) Hope you meet your goals. There's a lot of great people that will support you.