It's been a week since I've lost anything!!

Ok so this is my second week using MFP, I love the program and the support from everyone, but I can't seem to drop any weight this week! I've worked out everyday and stayed under my calories almost daily. The first day I went over my calories I seemed to gain two pounds!! I don't understand, anyone have any advice or can tell me what I can do to boost this change?????
:tongue: Thanks!


  • anamelina
    Hi there, I'm new too and its my second week, try to keep to your calorie goal as recommended as its important to keep the body from going into starvation mode, which is when the body cleverly stores fat as in case it needs them because it does not know when this period of fasting will end. exercise will build lean muscle which is heavier than fat also you may not be getting enough fluid. try not to get too hung up on weight and try to measure yourself instead, you will really start to see some changes if you continue to keep up the diet and exercise. Good luck, I too am trying to keep positive as I have had days where the scales are stubbornly not moving! take care:smile::smile: :smile:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Id say its to soon to worry about,its only the second week and your body is going thorugh alot of changes.Just stick with it and things will start coming together.:smile:
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Don't weigh yourself more than once a week. Your body fluctuates too much naturally to get reliable readings day to day. Also, are you weighing yourself the same time everday? Your body naturally changes several pounds during the day, so if you weigh yourself at different times, you won't get accurate results.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    There's a saying "a week is a long time in politics". However, when it comes to weight lose a week is actually a short length of time.

    Just be patient, stick to your calorie target (eat your exercise calories), and only start to worry if there is no sign of a drop after several weeks.

    It's early yet and your body is only adjusting to the change in lifestyle.

    And don't stay focused on the scales too much. Weight lose is really only a guide to having a healthier lifestyle
  • dietmeskinny5
    try measuring yourself if yo see a change in your actual body type.
    Muscule weighs more than fat, ut its also leaner