satisfying snack ideas?

Who has some good ideas for satisfying snacks? Sweet? Salty? Anything yummy? THANKS!


  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member
    Definitely nuts. Neither low calorie nor low fat, but so good for you and very filling. My favorites are almonds and macadamias.
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
  • Leesa22
    Leesa22 Posts: 73 Member
    Have you tried Vitatops....they are usually 100 calories and the chocolate and corn bread one's are my fave and they are high in fiber too.
    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 359 Member
    I love the Special K chocalty pretzel cereal bars!!! just 90 cals
    nuts are good
    whole wheat tortilla/w.peanut butter and banana...cut in half and have 2 snacks
  • jgoff3003
    jgoff3003 Posts: 189 Member
    Another user posted this link the other day with a bunch of 'snacks' with only 100 cals

    I suggest the three cups of pop corn, because that is heaps! and will keep u full for ages!
  • pghfan
    pghfan Posts: 119
    I just discovered Emerald 100-calorie cocoa roasted almonds. I LOVE them! Eat them slowly and enjoy. I just hope I can keep it to one pack a day.
  • for_a_mittengrl
    for_a_mittengrl Posts: 93 Member
    I ♥ Special K Bars -- Chocolatey Pretzel!! a 90 calorie treat! :)
  • asj0901
    asj0901 Posts: 141
    9 mini pretzles and a coulple of teaspoons (not tablespoons) of Nutella. The dipping takes time so the snack last longer and is deliciously satisfying.:wink:
  • Salpica
    Salpica Posts: 205 Member
    Sugar Free Jello Pudding!!!!!

    60 calories! They have a bunch of flavors for it too. Only 2g of fat.

    You can also get Sugar Free w/ Fat Free as well.

    Definitely takes care of my chocolate craving when I have them.
  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
    South Beach Living Fiber Fit Smore's totally yummy and my solution for my PMS cravings :tongue:
  • jsric
    jsric Posts: 26
    Thank you all for some really good ideas!
    Leesa- I've had Vitasandwiches (breakfast) and we love them! Will have to try the "tops" soon!
  • brozer
    brozer Posts: 27 Member
    bowl of homemade vegetable soup....keeps the hunger at bay !
  • stargzrlily
    stargzrlily Posts: 83 Member
    i love nutella! that sounds delicious! the problem is i can eat nutella straight from the jar lol
  • kathdela
    kathdela Posts: 148 Member
    Honey flavored greek yogurt.
  • asj0901
    asj0901 Posts: 141
    i love nutella! that sounds delicious! the problem is i can eat nutella straight from the jar lol
    UMMM.... I do eat nutella from the jar... but I use one of my kids baby spoons so I don't over do it. I find its the action of putting the spoon in the fantastic creamyness and savoring the bite is what I love. No matter the size of the spoon. And believe me I have used every sized, spoon, spatula, knife, fork, etc. in my kitchen. Try the babyspoon. Guilt Free Yummy:happy:
  • AliciaJade93
    AliciaJade93 Posts: 122 Member
    It may be boring to you but if not, i suggest Ryvita lightly buttered

    Oh my god i love it, only 34 calories a slice :)
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    Mullerlight Yoghurts, especially the orange with Dark chocolate...only 100 cals and makes me think I'm eating a terry's chocolate Orange..yum yum
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    Oh I like this a lot!! Thanks!!
    Another user posted this link the other day with a bunch of 'snacks' with only 100 cals

    I suggest the three cups of pop corn, because that is heaps! and will keep u full for ages!
  • deeanne22
    I love
    Special K Bars - chocolate and raspberry, red berry or chocolate and mint
    snack a jacks salt and vinegar or sweet chilli
    jelly either ready made or make up and put in fridge
    fruit like trail mix or raisins

    all under 100 cals
  • chopsusie
    Trader Joes lightly salted pumpkin seeds.