February Challenge!

Hi everyone!! I need a little extra motivation!! I am having a hard time keeping up with my workouts and logging my food, so I am challenging myself. I currently weigh 213lbs, and haven't been under 200lbs in a few years. So my challenge is to lose 15lbs by the end of February, and get to my first goal! Anyone else out there want to challenge themselves? I am going to start tomorrow 1-30-11 because Sunday is a good weigh in date for me, and will weigh in every Sunday till the end of February. If you would like to join me, set a goal and add me as I friend!!! I would love the help and motivation, and would do the same for you! :happy:


  • GettnMySexyBack
    GettnMySexyBack Posts: 3 Member
    Okay, so I am sooooooo feeling this challenge! I am in! The challenge for myself is to lose 10 pounds by the end of February.
  • timanda2
    timanda2 Posts: 149
    Count me in! I am currently 141. I would like to hit 135 by the end of February.
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    I am In.. I am currently 269 and would like to be below 250 by the end of February :) I will add you...
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    My weigh in day is tomorrow but I challenge myself to get to 380 by the end of February ... last sunday I was 398.5
  • I'm in too! My current weight is 193 and I would like to weigh 180 by the end of February. This is great! I had already set a goal for myself, but now we can all have a support system! :)
  • rme921
    rme921 Posts: 22
    Sounds like a great challenge. I need all the extra push that I can find right now. Count me in....I'll add you as a friend! Thanks!
  • bobbhebe
    bobbhebe Posts: 4 Member
    I am totally up for the challenge, we are doing biggest loser at work and i am motivated to win it , just for the glory!! I currently weigh 169lbs weight last Monday morning, I will weigh my self monday morning and up date it first thing monday I would love to lose 15lbs by the end of February! Let the game begin! I can use all the motivation out there, I love to exercise and I love MFP just joined it last week! and track every day! and so far have exercised every day .........30min a day is my goal and more if time allows me!
  • kkuhly
    kkuhly Posts: 80 Member
    I am in! I currently weigh 221.4 and would like to weigh 215 by the end of February.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    OK I am in...I have been on a plateau (well, except for when I went up a bit over Christmas, and then back down to where I was before Christmas. I am at 149 and would really like to be at 145 or below by the end of February. That doesn't sound like much, but I've been stuck right around the 150 mark for A LONG TIME. I know it gets harder, as you get closer to goal, so I need this challenge!!
  • im in!!! sounds like a great challenge i am currently 255 and i would like to be down 20 pounds by the end of february so 235 is my goal weight for the end of february!! :)
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    im 157.5 aiming(and praying!) for 149 by march 1.
  • heb14
    heb14 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm in! My birthday is the 16th of February, and I'd like to be at 172 by then! By the end of February I want to be around 166, which would be an 11 lb loss for the month :)
  • christina_c_marks
    christina_c_marks Posts: 101 Member
    Sounds good! im at 145 would like to see 140.
  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    Im in. I am 5'2, 217 lbs, obese and 46% body fat. I would love to get down to 199 by the end of Feb. I will do cardio 3x a week for 45 mins or as long or short as it takes to burn 360 cals each one of the 3 days and I will do strength training 5-6 days a week. My calorie intake will be between 1500-1600 cals a day. I can't wait to see how we all do. Yay, let's hit it hard come tomorrow or Tues the 1st.
  • dtrm88
    dtrm88 Posts: 71 Member
    Count me in! This sounds like my kind of challenge. I am currently 183 and would love to be 175 by the end of February!!
  • reneejj48
    reneejj48 Posts: 8 Member
    count me in to. I'd like to see anything under 200. I'm at 205 as of today
  • fitag
    fitag Posts: 75 Member
    Count me in too!! I have just restarted a day ago, so the Febuary Challenge is a great way to get it all happening again for me! Im currently at 66.7kg (147 pounds) and so my goal is to lose and never get back 4kg (8/9 pounds) by the end of Feb. As long as I keep having fun Ill keep doing what I'm doing!
  • Curves73
    Curves73 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm in. Current 183 goal 170 for end of Feb.
  • cornerofgreystreet
    cornerofgreystreet Posts: 180 Member
    I am in! I would love to hit my first goal, my pre-pregnancy weight of 169 by the end of February.
  • i am in like flynn!!! my goal is 10 lbs...and im ready to get ready of it.