
What is the best way to log your P9Xx excerises? For example if you did the core synergistics?


  • AndreaWyland
    AndreaWyland Posts: 142 Member
    I use a heart rate monitor so I add my own... you might get a heart rate monitor. Or use the circuit training entry... I burn about 550 doing core synergistic but everyone's body is different.
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    If you wear a heart rate monitor that shows calories burned that would be the most accurate way. Other than that you'd have to find something similar in the database and put in the amount of time. P90X calorie burn is very different for each person so its hard to estimate.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I normally log it as circuit training, but sometimes I subtract or add a few calories depending on how I personally thought I did (like if I was doggin' the workout, I take out some calories, but if I was hitting it hard the whole time I add a little). But for Core Syn, I don't even do that workout because I hate it. It does nothing for me but bore me to death and bruise my hips while doing superman/banana. Good thing it's only in recovery week for me. I don't do the lean, because I think it's a misnomer. You can easily get just as lean or even more lean doing either classic or doubles.
  • alfroid2k
    Heart Rate Monitor is the way to go. I dont have one so i used the P90X nutrition guide estimate which is 600 cals per workout.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Heart Rate Monitor is the way to go. I dont have one so i used the P90X nutrition guide estimate which is 600 cals per workout.

    That's pretty misleading. With X Stretch I usually burn 100 calories, with plyometrics it can be 800 calories, shoulders & arms day is roughly 300+, a great chest and back day is up to 450 calories.
  • amydcarlson
    amydcarlson Posts: 136 Member
    *Bump* I was wondering the same thing.
  • alfroid2k
    Heart Rate Monitor is the way to go. I dont have one so i used the P90X nutrition guide estimate which is 600 cals per workout.

    That's pretty misleading. With X Stretch I usually burn 100 calories, with plyometrics it can be 800 calories, shoulders & arms day is roughly 300+, a great chest and back day is up to 450 calories.

    I just got my HR monitor 724 cals on tonights core synergistic workout