Another newbie here from the UK

Tikkin Posts: 3 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself

Hi, just finding my way around on here. My son introduced me to the site. I've got it all set up on my Android phone, so lets see how it goes.

I'm 55, I've been big all my life. I don't believe in "diets" I think the only way to loose weight is healthy choices and portion control. I just need to learn to practice what I preach. :tongue:

Anyway, just thought I'd say hello. And I'm afraid I tend to over use smileys on forums :happy:


  • Smileys are awesome :bigsmile: and just spotted where they are kept now lol!

    Hello fellow UK newbie :smile:
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hello and welcome!
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    I'm a UK-er, near Blackpool. Been here since March last year but only became 'serious' in September. I've lost almost 2 stone. Loving the fact this site encourages us to lose slowly but surely!

  • hi i'm also from the uk feel free to add me as a friend good luck losing the lbs :smile:
  • welcome i to am new to here and from the UK.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend
  • welcome im also from the uk feel free to add x more friends the merrier lol x
  • :smile: hey im from uk too
    also on my andriod phoen and its great and works!! good luck
  • I love this Site!!! I hope you do too!!!!
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    Hey Im also from the UK (northern Ireland) found the app on the iphone on Thursday last week but only ventured on here today!! really looking forward to the whole weight loss journey
  • nixxy74
    nixxy74 Posts: 106
    hey add me as im needing as many people as possible to kick my *kitten* if i dont go to the gym!
  • awilliams0209
    awilliams0209 Posts: 33 Member
    Not from the UK just from Indiana, USA, but wanted to wish you luck on this journey. This is an amazing site that I hope works for you. :)
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm from UK too - Sevenoaks, Kent. Joined in Jan, so I'm a newbie too :smile:

    Sue x
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    hi ya(wiltshire here),,
    i am sooo glad that someone else in the world has taken my view on diets lol....healthy eating and portion control are the way to go :)
    dont forget he exersice NEVER leave it a day otherwise you will feel it in the weight loss...
    good luck x
  • ooh lots from the UK ;-) I'm am too, London, good luck everyone :happy:
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Hello, welcome to MFP :)

    I am also from the UK, Sheffield, I have just got a phone that has the app, but I havent figured it out yet, I will get there. Im sure you will do great, feel free to add me.
  • Welcome fellow UK'er!

    Best of luck on your weight loss journey. Add me as a friend and let's do this!

    Any other UK'ers feel free to add me also :wink:
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    Hello and welcome!! Another relatively new UK newbie here. I'm from sunny Kent!

    I also believe in portion control and healthy choices and also need to practice what i preach (although i have been taking it serious from Monday of this week!).

    Feel free to add me as a friend!

  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    Hi im from Gravesent, Kent. Been on here a while, not really having to lose weight but need to tone up more and its really nice to see that so many people are in the same boat.

    Good luck!!!
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    Hi im from Gravesent, Kent. Been on here a while, not really having to lose weight but need to tone up more and its really nice to see that so many people are in the same boat.

    Good luck!!!

    Hellooooooo!!!! *gives Estelle a friendly wave from down the A2* :bigsmile:
  • shandy32
    shandy32 Posts: 193 Member
    Hi im from uk too..

    Welcome and goodluck xxxxxx
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