Anyone else have problems taking vitamins?

I always eat a full mean before I take them. It either makes me sick to my stomach, make my stomach hurt really bad or (SORRY) it makes me really constipated. I even asked the doc if there was something I could take that is not so hard on the stomach and he told me centrum. Well, that gave me a horrible stomach ache last night. I don't know what else is out there for someone who has a sensitive stomach.


  • gdnplnty
    gdnplnty Posts: 170 Member
    My doc said take two chew-able Flintstones with iron and I will get everything that I need. They taste good, easy to take and easy on the stomach.
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    I have the same problem. But I keep doing it. I started taking Align which is a probotic that helps with digestion.

    I guess there is always the chewable gummy vitamins my son takes. But may not get all of the iron, etc. a woman needs.

    I read in Consumer Reports that if you have a well balance diet, you may not really need vitamins. But who has time for perfection?
  • jlewis121186
    i take the flintstones as well, no problems with those! and i take them before bed at night....

    gdnplnty- i LOVE my shimmy scarf for zumba :) made it myself!
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    I always eat a full mean before I take them. It either makes me sick to my stomach, make my stomach hurt really bad or (SORRY) it makes me really constipated. I even asked the doc if there was something I could take that is not so hard on the stomach and he told me centrum. Well, that gave me a horrible stomach ache last night. I don't know what else is out there for someone who has a sensitive stomach.

    What do you take, and have you tried to take an alternate, in case any of the binding agents etc that are used in the tablet are ones that you have a sensitivity to
  • gabnz
    gabnz Posts: 1
    Any Vitamin supplement with Iron in it, does the same thing to me.
    So i read the labels avidly to make sure, its not a ingriedient.
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    You could try starting with kids vitamins and "working up" to adult ones... I hope you find something that works!
  • mrsblack1029
    I take the One a Day Vitacraves and I love them. I have never been good at taking vitamins when i am supposed to, and i dont like the way i feel if not taken right with a meal. I have been taking these for the last 3 weeks and have never missed a day, i actually look forward to taking them bc they taste so good!
  • orting514
    orting514 Posts: 153
    I guess i must have a sensitive stomach also cuz taking vitamins ALWAYS causes me stomach upset, and if i take it on an empty stomach, dry heaves. Flinstones chewables, humm i never would have thaught of that???
  • debbie78
    I HAVE to eat before taking any vitamin. They make me VERY sick to my stomach if I don't. I would never take one on an empty stomach again after being so sick from it the one time I did.
  • KWright76
    KWright76 Posts: 72 Member
    When I would take my multi vitamin in the a.m it would make me sick to my stomach I started taking them in the pm like around 7-8:00 and I have not been sick to my stomach yet. I don't know why it is so diffrent from a.m and pm. Maybe try to take them in the evening. Hope this helps.
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    One thing my doc said was, don't take the MV at the same time as any other meds--too many things can react with it. Space it out by a few hours, take with some food (nothing acidic), and a full cup of water. The children's chewable vitamins do have what most people need. It's the iron in women-specific MV that upsets the stomach, and can cause constipation.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I get headaches that are like a migraine in that they also make me sick to my stomach but if I take 2 exedrin and go to bed the headache goes away. I really don't feel like experimenting given the reaction so I do not know what part I am reacting to.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Be very careful with vitamins. If you eat clean, you don't need a multivitamin every day.
    I eat very clean. Started taking a multivitamin and was throwing up every morning. Turns out I was overdosing on a few vitamins/nutrients (Iron, Vitamin C, for two) and it was making me ill.
    This can be very dangerous, so make sure you are tracking those as well if you do take a supplement (multivitamin).
  • nrm01776
    nrm01776 Posts: 2 Member
    I used to have terrible stomach upset from taking vitamins ... and eventually stopped taking them altogether. Could never find the right time of day or missed taking them with my meal so was not taking them consistently.

    Recently found a multi-vitamin that I take first thing in the morning on an EMPTY stomach that works great. It's actually in powder form, then mixed with 2 oz. of water and you drink it ... and it actually tastes good! I now think of this as my morning "orange juice".

    You can order it on line

    I also take the same brand of B-Complex and Vitamin D at the same time, along with the antioxidant.

    Finally, feel better than I have in years!!
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I take a gummy adult vitamin that tastes good and has a gummy bear smell.

    I have a problem with the smell and taste of B vitamins, otherwise. After a couple of days, I'm gagging as soon as I open the bottle of regular adult vitamins. If iron is the problem and you need it, skip the iron in the vitamins and adjust your diet to get more.
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    If you eat right you shouldn't need vitamin supplements unless there is something wrong with you or you are pregnant. Eat your veggies, fruits and nuts in variety and skip the vitamins.
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    Gummy vitamins for the win!
  • mrloserpunk
    mrloserpunk Posts: 92 Member
    I tried taking a all in 1 for men vitamin. About 3 days into I, I experienced what I can only discribe as an acute bout of irratable bowel syndrome. Now, I've never had that before, but it was scary going to the rest room 9 or 10 times in a day. If I didn't work from home... It would have been costly. I stopped taking it on the third day, and the symptoms went away about 3 days after I stopped. I have concluded it was the vitamin. Others in the home were eating the same foods, and didn't experience it.

    Sure, I suppose it could have been a ill timed bug... But if it was those vitamins... I ain't willing to test it again just to find out lol.
  • KSHorne
    KSHorne Posts: 38 Member
    I used to take those Women's One-a-Day Active Metabolism multivitamins and they gave me headaches, so I stopped taking them. Ever since I stopped, I haven't really taken any multivitamins since. I don't want to deal with the headaches or the random moments of weird breathing.
  • khalikhoopri
    khalikhoopri Posts: 81 Member
    I was taking centrum first and it was great but then I was suggested to take female vits. I bought those from Costco (kirkland) and started getting stomach irritations and headaches. Now i went back to (unisex) Centrums and no headaches or stomach problems. Seems like we may have issues with a particular brand, so you can pick some other brand to see what suits you best!
    I always eat a full mean before I take them. It either makes me sick to my stomach, make my stomach hurt really bad or (SORRY) it makes me really constipated. I even asked the doc if there was something I could take that is not so hard on the stomach and he told me centrum. Well, that gave me a horrible stomach ache last night. I don't know what else is out there for someone who has a sensitive stomach.