Your Best Diet/Exercise Advice



  • I wish that I could convince the world that ya don't need the sugar... Glad were friends!!!
  • All good advice. Other than a chemical cocktail, can someone tell me what is wrong with diet sodas?
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    also try not to weigh yourself too frequently. dont make it part of your program. your mirrow does a fine job of monitoring your process!
    I know alot of people weigh in on monday morning...i do it sometimes, lol, but i dont wanna be losing any weight at present. mix it up.
    at the start, sure, do it once a week, as your losses will be better when you first start out. but as you go along, your losses will slow down. so if you spread out your "weigh in's", the losses might seem bigger!!! could help you out mentally i think.

    one more thing (yeah we could go on for days couldnt we, lol)...
    think BIG!!!
    eg: if your ultimate goal is to lose 50lbs. then think of it only as losing 50lbs. dont think, "i'll aim for 10lbs this month or that month. just focus on the big picture. some people fail as they tend to get complacent once they hit that first 10lbs goal, and then lose focus. just keep looking at that 50lbs goal!
  • sonpet
    sonpet Posts: 16
    great advice ladyhawk...we have similar weight and goals.....maybe we could become friends and be a helping hand along the way
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    All good advice. Other than a chemical cocktail, can someone tell me what is wrong with diet sodas?

    Recent research suggests artificial sweeteners, especially in soda (largely because of high consumption), tends to cause weight gain, rather than help control it. I don't recall specifics, but basically the body still thinks it's getting sugar - and when it doesn't get it, it calls for even more - meaning you end up with more carb/sugar cravings and thus eat more.

    Do a search on "artificial sweeteners weight gain" and you'll come up with the links.

    Edit for really bad typing.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    great advice ladyhawk...we have similar weight and goals.....maybe we could become friends and be a helping hand along the way

    Thanks, sure thing! :bigsmile:
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    don't own a scale.
    eat as clean as possible but don't deny yourself the things you love.... BUT food is poison, even in moderation.

    you're not running AWAY from _____, you're running TOWARD being fit, confident, and beautiful.

    --the last one is my running mantra, i insert whatever negative thing is foremost in my mind and think positive thoughts!
  • BreeWilder
    BreeWilder Posts: 133 Member
    Food is not the enemy. You NEED food to survive.

    Telling yourself you ABSOLUTELY may never have "whatever food you love" will only make you want it all the more. Then you may find you will binge. So instead what I do is give myself 24 hours. If I crave a food for 24 hours or more I let myself have it in moderation.

    Exercise is a must. I'm a busy mom. I'm doing the 30 Day Shred right now. It's only 20 minutes. That's almost as long as it takes my kid to eat. I can't talk myself out of 20 minutes of exercise. And that right there is over 200 extra calories I burned.

    Good luck!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Everything in moderation! Live a balanced life. (Still struggle with this, but I think it's KEY.)

    Don't deny yourself what you truly love - just make room for it by controlling portions and frequency. Don't kid yourself by thinking you will NEVER eat "insert food here" again. That's a recipe for failure.

    Do not treat any food as "bad" - that gives it power over you.

    Above all, take responsibility for the work you must put in, and be accountable for the decisions you make.
    Responsibility = Control = Power
    Empower yourself.

    Well said!
  • 33nessy
    33nessy Posts: 104
    interval training....if you are going to run for example dont do it at the same pace for 20 minutes, speed it up, slow it down it gets your heart rate up which increases your metabolism which we are all into im guessing
  • 33nessy
    33nessy Posts: 104
    oh and dont deny yourself certain foods cos youll prob binge if you smaller portions or give the rest away if you cant control yourself
  • I HAVE FUN when I exercise. All I'm saying is Michael Jackson Experience for Wii is SUPER FUN and is a really great workout. :)
  • All such good advice! What a great thread! Let's keep it going :)
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    All good advice. Other than a chemical cocktail, can someone tell me what is wrong with diet sodas?
    Research was done regarding the artificial sweeteners in diet sodas. In layman's terms.....

    When you have the diet soda your tongue recognizes that it has had something sweet and sends a message to the brain saying "sugars on the way,tell the stomach to get ready for it" (well not those words but you get what I mean).

    Your stomach does not get the sugars it was expecting, and goes "where is it", which messages the brain to say "you promised me sugar / calories, can I have some", and this encourages the seeking out / eating of calories to make up for the previous trickery.

    There is a strong link to what what a tongue tastes and what your digestive system expects, and it is hard to fool it.
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    What's your #1 best piece of diet or exercise advice??? Feel free to share more if you've got some goodies :smile: This is a test to see how much awesome advice we can accumulate on one thread to share with everyone! :tongue:

    Mine: I've had a few group exercise instructors refer to the hour right after exercising as the "golden hour", where you burn the most calories, and to keep the furnace "burning" and to help repair muscles, you need to eat a little bit of protein within that hour! It's worked for me :)
    Best advice, which I have completely adhered to "don't drink your calories".
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    think BIG!!!
    eg: if your ultimate goal is to lose 50lbs. then think of it only as losing 50lbs. dont think, "i'll aim for 10lbs this month or that month. just focus on the big picture. some people fail as they tend to get complacent once they hit that first 10lbs goal, and then lose focus. just keep looking at that 50lbs goal!

    I disagree :frown: Think small and manageable! Staring down a potential 50lb loss is immense and scary. Tackling 5lbs at a time is safe, achievable, and keeps you optimistic!

    My best advice is actually my screen name: believe to achieve. Basically, anything is possible if you believe in it! :wink:
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I disagree :frown: Think small and manageable! Staring down a potential 50lb loss is immense and scary. Tackling 5lbs at a time is safe, achievable, and keeps you optimistic!

    My best advice is actually my screen name: believe to achieve. Basically, anything is possible if you believe in it! :wink:

    I have to agree.
    I also want to draw attention to your last comment.
    anything is possible if you believe in it!
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    great posts!!

    Like I saw other people say..really limit your non-natural sugar and sodium. i'd say under 20 for sugar, under 1500 for sodium, roughly.

    but the reason why it's important because when you eat those foods high in sodium or sugar, they only make you want to eat MORE! not even counting high fructose corn syrup, which i don't bother with anymore. it's easy to stick to the plan but then you have those salty potato chips and all of a sudden it's like your cravings went through the roof.

    it's easier to eat healthy when you don't tempt yourself, i guess is what i'm saying.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    totally skinnymom, no sugars! you dont need them!

    Actually, you do when you're involved in an endurance sport. And you also need salts.
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