Found a Cure to my Pizza Cravings

Went to Subway.. Ordered a sub.. Done it up right with veggies and a splash of vinegar.. Then for fun salt and pepper... But for the Pizza cravings, oregano. Give it a try.


  • frenchfri87
    frenchfri87 Posts: 196 Member
    thats awesome that a sub satisfied your pizza craving... but.. we must not have the same pizza cravings haha
  • savvynurse
    Ever try a crustless pizza???
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    That's cool, my 1st goal for myself was a slice of pizza. I reached my goal but I dont want to eat the pizza for fear of not being able to get back on the program again..History reminds me of my times falling off the wagon...Don't want to chance it...
  • Tkhk0514
    Tkhk0514 Posts: 100 Member
    I just took care of my pizza craving to:

    One english muffin split (55 calories)
    2 T. of Pizza sauce (10 calories)
    2 T of Mozzarella (25 calories
    2 Hormel low fat Turkey pepperonies (7 calories)

    Total is 100 calories per serving. It was very good and actually tasted like pizza crust and not an english muffin.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I love pita pizzas or you can also make them on high fiber tortillas.

    a TBSP or 2 of pasta sauce, a sprinkling of cheese, lots of grilled veggies toasted in the oven till the cheese melts.

    There's also turkey pepperoni that actually tastes pretty good if you like that kind of stuff.
  • delilah514
    delilah514 Posts: 126 Member
    I like to make homemade mini pizza's on whole wheat pita bread (I like the ones from Trader Joe's) for my pizza cravings. That way I can control the amount of cheese that goes on it and even use low fat cheese as well. I load it up with a ton of veggies & maybe some Canadian Bacon or chicken breast for a little protein. I am a pizza junkie I can't live with out it & these little guys do the trick with minimal calories.

    I do enjoy Subway though. I have found it works well for when I am craving fast food. I still get to eat out and feel normal, but it is way healthier then anything else I can get. :)
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I love pita pizzas or you can also make them on high fiber tortillas.

    a TBSP or 2 of pasta sauce, a sprinkling of cheese, lots of grilled veggies toasted in the oven till the cheese melts.

    There's also turkey pepperoni that actually tastes pretty good if you like that kind of stuff.

    That is how I make them! They taste great!!
  • GingerKid
    Ever try a crustless pizza???
    I do this a lot with pizza. My first piece usually is a full on piece, then I eat just the toppings on the next slice LOL
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I have a pizza once a week...

    I make my own whole wheat crust using 1 cup of whole wheat flour, 1/4 cup all purpose flour, a dash of salt, 1 tsp of honey, 1/2 tsp dry active yeast, and 1 cup of the end, it makes 2 medium size thin pizza crusts or 1 large thick pizza crust...and either 1 medium or half the large has 285 calories. Then just add a little sauce, low fat cheese, and veggies...and I have myself an entire healthy whole wheat pizza pizza with real pizza crust and real cheese and real toppings all for under 600 calories.

    I don't do subsitututes with pizza. I just found a way to make a healthy one that tastes pretty durn good. :flowerforyou:
  • DenShort
    I have mountain bread 'pizzas', not quite the same but satisfy my cravings!

    1 mountain bread
    1 tbsp dolmio light
    veggties (4 olives, tbsp capers, onion, mushroom, red pepper, asparagus personally!)
    low fat mozzerella

    I fry the veggies in some fry light and set aside. place the mountain bread in the frying pan and top with the dolmio and some of the cheese. let the cheese melt a little then add the veggies and rest of the cheese. keep on the hob for another couple of minutes then pop under the grill to finish off for 2-3 mins.

  • aaronwcheney
    I have found making your own you control what you take in and using the tools and here are great! I have been able to make a 12" 1340 cal pizza and only have 3 or 4 slices its filling and its great for two people or I have it for lunch the next day.
  • cdino
    cdino Posts: 29 Member
    I have eaten 2 slices of regular pizza every Friday night since I began this weight loss journey in Sept. 2010. I work the calories into my day. It feels like a treat but I am within my calorie limits and something I look forward to. I have been able to steadily lose weight and still enjoy a Friday night dinner with my family.
    On other days I enjoy english muffin pizzas, pita bread pizza, pizza made on flat out bread and pizza bagels using Thomas' mini bagels.
    Pizza is something I really enjoy!