What is the best cardio



  • Hi!

    I believe that the impact cardio has is based on the individual. I would say it is safe to say that any exericse that gets your heart pumping and creates sweat is the one for you. Then as time goes on you'll want to change that exercise so that your body is challenged. After time, your body becomes accustomed to a specific exercise and the body does not burn as many calories as it did initally because it does not have to work as hard. Does that make sense? So, I would say the ideal cardio workout would be whatever exercise increases your heart rate and produces a sweat. Additionally, remember to change your exercise soa as to "confuse" your body and keep it on its toes! I hope this helps some. Good Luck!

  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member

    I believe that the impact cardio has is based on the individual. I would say it is safe to say that any exericse that gets your heart pumping and creates sweat is the one for you. Then as time goes on you'll want to change that exercise so that your body is challenged. After time, your body becomes accustomed to a specific exercise and the body does not burn as many calories as it did initally because it does not have to work as hard. Does that make sense? So, I would say the ideal cardio workout would be whatever exercise increases your heart rate and produces a sweat. Additionally, remember to change your exercise soa as to "confuse" your body and keep it on its toes! I hope this helps some. Good Luck!


    Chan you're absolutely right in terms of the body's ability to adapt quite quickly to any CV exercise, becomes more efficient at doing it and within 4-6 weeks you don't work as hard to achieve the same goal.

    That's kind of what I meant when I said "you work hardest at what you do the worst at", i.e. what your body has not had a chance to adapt to!!
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    For a woman to keep a curvy figure, avoid doing your obliques (the side abs).

    WHAT????? :huh:

    And your authority on this is what exactly???

    Your obliques are absolutely essential in maintaining good core strength.
    http://www.unm.edu/~lkravitz/Article folder/abdominal.html

    She didn't say that it wasn't essential for core strength, she said to keep curvy. I'm going to have to agree with her, when i did tons of oblique exercises I started getting boxing due to the muscles building out.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Pre-injury I was a 27" waist and did a lot of oblique work. I still am and was then an hourglass shape. The difference is my bodyfat was 17%. Of course you can feel like abs or obliques "bulk" if the body fat above them is still considerably more than it should be but that's a whole other debate.

    I guess you need to work out whether you are only training for vanity or whether you wish for some functional strength.
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    everyone likes and takes to diff forms of cardio excercise's. The best cardio all depends on the person honestly. Whatever cardio you really like and are able to actually stick with it regulary is key. That said, I prefer jogging/running intervals! jogging really helps burn the cals for myself vs the elliptical. jillian michaels dvds are all great forms of cardio as well
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Do whatever you enjoy and keep your diet on track and don't disregard strength training unless you want to end up skinny-fat :)

    For me, my cardio of choice is mma training, HIIT circuit training, kettlebells or elliptical while watching TV. I do these because I enjoy them. (well not so much the elliptical but it's better than sitting on your *kitten* doing nothing watching TV :))
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Years of training, cycling 250+ miles/wk, and working out with a trainer 4x/wk. That's what authority I work off of and it has done very well by me. 51 and strong!

    In response to the "whose authority exactly???" quote below, should have put this on there. :)
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    For a woman to keep a curvy figure, avoid doing your obliques (the side abs).

    WHAT????? :huh:

    And your authority on this is what exactly???

    Your obliques are absolutely essential in maintaining good core strength.
    http://www.unm.edu/~lkravitz/Article folder/abdominal.html

    Be kind please. Key word was curvy.
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Pre-injury I was a 27" waist and did a lot of oblique work. I still am and was then an hourglass shape. The difference is my bodyfat was 17%. Of course you can feel like abs or obliques "bulk" if the body fat above them is still considerably more than it should be but that's a whole other debate.

    I guess you need to work out whether you are only training for vanity or whether you wish for some functional strength.

    Training is vanity, the want to feel better, look better, achieve physical goals. You can achieve both functional strength and "vanity". Of my cycling and marathon buddies, the ones that do obliques a great deal (and have 17% or lower bodyfat) tend to have a boxier figure than those who do very little oblique if any. You have to decide what works best for you.
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