Cheat days?? Seriously people???

jenlen65 Posts: 47 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
C'mon now. It seems as though people are looking for approval to cheat. Don't do it. You don't have to cheat if you allow yourself the calories. But is it really worth it?? I think not. If I'm tempted, I always think to myself: "how will I feel about myself 5 min after I eat this?" SO not worth the guilt. It's not that we can never have goodies ever again....just plan for it. It's really not that hard if you're serious. I was a snackoholic, but I'm determined NOT to be....good luck everyone and don't sell yourself short....YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!! :wink:


  • 305muscle
    305muscle Posts: 97 Member
    agree with you:glasses:
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    There is nothing wrong with cheat days. Just so don't go to the extreme! Next Sunday is the Superbowl! I plan on drinking, eating pizza and other small snacks. I won't feel guilty or bad about it. Because the rest of the week my diet is right where is should be. And I work out 6 days a week. So that one day is not going to ruin anything.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    agreed, everything in moderation. However, i have had my few days here and there where I give-in and don't track a meal. We're all human. We all have slips. There's no shame or blame in that. However, it's much easier if we plan for our "cheat" meals by working out a little extra, or eating lighter during the day. That way it fits into our day, we feel like we got something we were desiring & we're not over calories. However, not everyone thinks like that. A lot of people only eat clean and then have splurges. To each their own!!
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Personally I'm doin' my Cheat meal once I reach 130lbs. I'm only 18lbs aways from that. 6lbs aways from sayin' 'I lost 20lbs doin' Power90 & eatin' right'. ...But Cheat days are extreme...but depends what you eat I guess. Just depends on the individual and how fast they can metabolize their meals...
  • Green_Eyed_Girl88
    Green_Eyed_Girl88 Posts: 73 Member
    I think it is a matter of how you see your cheat day..for example my cheat day is Sunday! I wouldn't dare gobble down a piece of Chocolate cake or a bowl of ice cream. But I do allow myself to eat a few things that I normally wouldn't. Just this morning I had an egg with fat free cheese and a slice of turkey bacon..that is a Cheat to me. And it helps me lose More weight...It keeps my body guessing...adds fuel to the fire. :)
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    You know I am seeing more and more of these posts and I dont think I have the same definition as others .... I personally do not think I have a "cheat day" because i stay within all of my limits everyday and i work out everyday but I did "cheat" earlier this week when I indulged in 2 slices of cheese pizza during a work party ... so is indulging every now and then but staying under calories, sodium, fat, protein, sugar etc etc considered a "cheat day"
  • Samana06
    Samana06 Posts: 107
    I don't consider anything "cheating" ... I allow myself treats, just in moderation. By denying yourself EVERYTHING it makes you want it more. This isn't supposed to be a DIET ... but for lack of better phrase ... a lifestyle change. You're making changes that will make you healthier, and in the process lose weight. Don't cut everything out and try to do anything major drastic ... because it's not realistic, and in the long run not maintainable... My goal is to get to where when I crave a snack, my first choice is something healthy ... instead of wanting that twinkie and choosing carrots instead. It's a small step opting for the healthy snack when what you really wanted was the "junk".
  • shaheerahs
    shaheerahs Posts: 79 Member
    I agree. i finally got the junky stuff out of my system, I feel like if I "cheat" I might get hooked on the stuff again. Plus, I feel a whole lot better now that I'm not eating it.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    I disagree. If you don't go completely crazy, a "cheat day" allows you to have a meal or something that you have been craving. Instead of gorging on junk all week, you can look forward to that one day to have a treat. It's actually a very healthy practice, and recommended by many dietitians, because it gives you more focus through the week. Of course, its not for everyone, especially those who taste one sweet thing and end up gorging on stuff after that. But I have given myself a "cheat day" throughout my entire fat-loss process, and I have lost 25 lbs, steadily, and I think I have more focus and determination throughout the rest of the week. So really, its a "to each his own" scenario.
  • i had pizza the other day, went over in cals but didnt feel guilty for it. Worked out a bit harder the next day and contiuned on my normal routine. You HAVE to live and if that means a cheat every now and again why not.
  • jenlen65
    jenlen65 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm referring to people who think they can just pig out for a day. I just feel that is self-defeating. We can eat whatever we want if we allot for it and don't overdo it. That's what I mean. Everyone does things their own way. I just find it interesting that people are looking for approval to do it. I am absolutely not depriving myself of ever having goodies, it's just that you can plan for them that's all I'm saying. But I think it's self-defeating if you work your butt off all week just to go overboard !!!
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    A lot of research shows people don't stick to a "diet" because they feel deprived. Many nutrition experts recommend that you eat right most of the time and allow yourself one cheat meal a week - one that is planned.

    That said I think you need to stil opt for the healthiest "cheat" you can. For example today I am going to my mom's for a brunch for my SIL's birthday. I am bringing hash brown casserole and I made it healthier by using less butter, greek yogurt in place of sour cream, shredding a sweet potato and a few other modifications. But my mom made a homemade cake and I will eat it!

    Of course Sunday is one of the days I exercise late in the day so I will be working off my splurge brunch.

    I think you do need to be careful to not go too crazy because if you start eating a lot of sugar, you will want more sugar. Especially if you eat just the sugary food without protein.

    I started eating better on November 1 and when I indulged on Christmas with seven layer bars, and those rice krispees with peanut butter and butterscotch, I felt kind of sick. I have cleaned up my diet even more since the first of the year so I know if I overindulge in sweets I will feel sick.
  • pghfan
    pghfan Posts: 119
    If you stay within your calorie goal for the day I would NOT consider it a cheat day. Maybe a little, if you are eating something with low nutritional value instead of making healthy choices. So in that respect it's a bit of a cheat in that it is something you can't do every day, but lose the guilt, especially if you stay within your numbers.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Cheat days! Do you really think you're going to be counting calories for the rest of your life? No. You've got to learn that this is a lifestyle change. I no longer even track my calories, I've been on MFP for 2 years. I stay on for the support...I occasionally track but I know it's not the most important thing. If I had to stress out over calories and deny myself all the 'good' things the world has to offer I would be highly stressed out. You've got to relax sometimes...and once you have the hang of the portion control and learn to eyeball portions...having a cheat meal/day will make all the difference.
    *edit- I have two weddings to attend this things like Dragon*Con, RenFest, vacation...I'm not going to track or even worry about calories on those days. Why turn a pleasurable experiance into a stressful one?
  • xp0sed
    xp0sed Posts: 173 Member
    I don't have "cheat days" I have "treat days". These days are planned so I can adjust the rest of my meals/day accordingly. Whether I cut back in other areas or get in an extra workout to account for my treat!

    With my cheats I still make it as healthy as possible. For example, if I'm craving pizza I will have 1 meat (chicken), lots of veggies, thin multigrain crust!
  • I agree with you amycal. If you never allow yourself to have a "treat" then you won't stick to your healthy eating. Diets don't work because a diet by definition is depriving you of thing you like. Once you start depriving your self of certain foods you will fail-everything in moderation is my theory.
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    this is true!
    There is nothing wrong with cheat days. Just so don't go to the extreme! Next Sunday is the Superbowl! I plan on drinking, eating pizza and other small snacks. I won't feel guilty or bad about it. Because the rest of the week my diet is right where is should be. And I work out 6 days a week. So that one day is not going to ruin anything.
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    I'm referring to people who think they can just pig out for a day. I just feel that is self-defeating. We can eat whatever we want if we allot for it and don't overdo it. That's what I mean. Everyone does things their own way. I just find it interesting that people are looking for approval to do it. I am absolutely not depriving myself of ever having goodies, it's just that you can plan for them that's all I'm saying. But I think it's self-defeating if you work your butt off all week just to go overboard !!!

    Okay I understand ... Going overboard one day after having worked hard all week or in plans of working hard all week following is not in my plans ... I definitely do however feel okay with those who are able to plan and allot for less healthy meals!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I totally agree.

    If you live healthy then you won't want to "treat" your body with junk.

    I really don't feel deprived for not eating cheap processed burgers and drink lires of sugared coke.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    I agree. Cheat days are going back to the same bad habit that got us here in the first place, and seem to be used most by people who consider this a diet instead of figuring out how to change their lives and get healthier.

    Giving yourself food rewards keeps you in the wrong mentality... And the name... Who are you cheating? YOURSELF!!!!!

    Plan it in, exercise more to gain the needed calories, and enjoy. Cheating isn't the way to go.
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