Do you need to lose 20 lbs? be my buddy :-(

Everything was going well until I decided to go out with my girl friends last night, we went to a bar, I knew I would be having something but I thought I would have been able to stick to juice, or whatever virgin cocktails they had there. Boy was I wrong. :grumble: Couldn't resist the temptation of getting my fave drink ever (White russian) followed by 2 very strong pisco cocktails, probably like 800+ cals, good for breakfast eh? I was indeed hungover this morning and ate like a pig. It's 3:30 pm and I have eaten 3000+ cals! And now, I'm sitting here, ashamed but not willing to get my butt moving .... Blah... :huh:

But anyway, I'm desperately trying to find a female buddy with similar goals (mine is to lose 20ish lbs/10ish kg) I need some encouragement and why not... being a little competitive helps sometimes! :laugh:


  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    I don't need to lose 20 but I did need too. Feel free to friend me, and forget the past, but learn from it. Good luck.
  • MsImperfect0
    MsImperfect0 Posts: 127 Member
    i need to lose more than 20 but feel free to add me!! anyone that is !
  • bonvechiomommy
    bonvechiomommy Posts: 14 Member
    I too need to lose 20lbs. that is my goal! We can help each other
  • Floricienta
    Thanks ladies!!!
  • tracyg86
    tracyg86 Posts: 51 Member

    I would like to lose 20lbs to be at my 'ideal weight' prob even a little bit more

    Ill add you if thats ok?

    Tracy :)
  • Floricienta
    Thank you all for adding me :-) Let's get rid of those darn pounds!!!!!
  • StarletteS
    StarletteS Posts: 28 Member
    Hi lady! I have 18 pounds to lose. I have those days as well. I am already having a day like that today. I am training to run the 15K Shamrock Run in Portland, OR and have been training for that. I run 3 times a week but I need to up my running and also start doing some other training. I think I will add the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels to help. I will add you too if that's ok. I need motivation as well!! My worst enemy is my food..... :grumble:

  • MomsDaily140
    20lbs is my first small goal.... and we all have those moments, just blow today off, tomorrow is a NEW day and a NEW start :wink:
  • jonjon143
    Hey, if you're looking for a local buddy (rather than on line) check out They have an active community of people like us, looking for local, supportive buddies, and they just added more than 8,000 weight loss centers to their database of 50,000 locations (zip code searchable). With WannaBuddy I was able to find some locals to run with me three mornings a week. It might work for you, too!