What's driving you to lose weight?

Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing well. :)
I was just wondering what everyones motivation to lose weight is? I'm not sure if there's a topic like this already, but I thought it'd be a great place to post your reasons and motivation and hopefully it will help others to find their motivation too. :D

So I'll start off:
I'm sick of being overweight and want to do something about it.
I want to get off my antidepressants knowing I can be happy without them (which excercise is helping with!)
I want to look amazing at prom.
I want to be able to get up in the morning and think "I feel like going for a jog" and just get up and go.
and I want to be able to wear a bikini on holiday.

So let me know about your weight loss motivation! :D


  • MichaelH2928
    MichaelH2928 Posts: 2 Member
    I have several goals and reasons to want to lose weight, but here are the three biggest ones:

    I want to sleep better at night without sleep apnea.
    I want to feel and look better in nicer clothing.
    I want to live longer and healthier with my family and the person that I love.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I wanted to be fit not fat
    I wanted to go on a shopping spree (which i'm very close to)
    and I want to prove that you can have your body back after kids
  • Anidorie
    Anidorie Posts: 291 Member
    i want to be able to look wonderful in my prom dress. I want to have more energy to do the thing si love. I want to have a models body like my sister. I want to be able to wear my sister's clothes without her saying "no, you cant wear that youre too fat!" i want to be pretty and beautiful. I want a thin body. I want to be able to run in p.e. without having everything jiggling like jello! i want to be able to wear a cltohing that is not super flowy and has no figure to it (or take what figure you do have and adds like 50lbs. to it) when my family buys me clothes, i dont want it ot be big sizes. I want to have them buying me a small not a large.
  • fitnesspal5
    Hi! I'm new here.

    I'm starting the 1200 calorie diet that has been recommended to me by MyFitnessPal tomorrow. Excited to finally take control!

    Ok, anyway, here are my reasons for wanting to lose weight :

    1. To boost my self confidence because it seems to have had a large knock since I piled on almost three stone whilst I was at university. I've graduated now so there's no excuses!

    2. To give myself a bit of a transformation. I'm growing tired of how I always wear shapeless clothes and don't really make that much of an effort anymore because I don't want to draw attention to myself when I look like this. I know that once I've lost weight, I will regain the confidence to try a completely new hairstyle and wear clothes that I wouldn't feel comfortable in now.

    3. To stop feeling embarrassed when I bump into old friends because I've put on weight.

    4. To feel healthier/less lethargic and to have more energy.

    There are more reasons but these are the main ones.

    I will be reporting on my weightloss as regularly as possible. Perhaps we could spur each other on?
  • WeightLossTrek
    One of my first posts is on this very topic.

  • leelee03
    leelee03 Posts: 67 Member
    I want to look good~for my husband, dancing with my friends, wearing a bikini
    I want to boost my self-esteem
    I want to be healthy (esp. b/c I want to get pregnant soon, and getting back to pre-pregnancy weight is easier if you're in shape to begin with)
    I love the way I feel when I'm working out regularly and eating healthy : D
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    Great topic: These are my top four in order of importance. I am not real concerned about losing tons of weight but more so learning to live and eat healthier. The weight loss is just a perk for me.

    1. To learn to eat and be healthier
    2. I want to go on Survivor and be fit when I get there. :ohwell: :heart:
    3. I want to look and feel great in my Summer Clothes
    4. I want my man's mouth to drop when he sees my in my bad *kitten* dress Imma buy! LOL
  • edna354
    I have serveral motivators but here are the big ones:

    I want to be able to keep up with my kids and be here longer for them.
    I do not want my kids to be embaressed of their overweight mother.
    I want to feel better all around.
    I can not wait to go into a clothing store and not have to look for the "PLUS" section!!!

    :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • clsquires91
    clsquires91 Posts: 8 Member
    My goals are simple,

    1. I want to feel better and sleep better (which surprisingly is already improving)
    2. I want to look better in clothing and a swimsuit
    3. I want to lose the freshman 15 that I gained and then some since becoming a college student.
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    I want to be healthy, inside and out.
    I want to feel and look sexy for my husband
    AND buy cute clothes and feel great in them.
  • timidt
    timidt Posts: 13
    I want to be Fit and Healthy for the first time in my life
    Be able to go in a shop and think I like that and buy it , (instead of I like that but it will never fit me)
    Be proud of who I am instead of hiding away

    Ultimate Reason is to persue IVF (and may be get my own little bundle of joy)
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I have several reasons:

    *First and foremost, my kids. I want to be around for them and be able to chase them around without being exhausted.

    *My husband

    *To for once not have to shop in plus sizes (Ive been in plus sizes since I was a teenager)

    *I want to be able to get off my meds for bp, cholesterol and acid reflux, which my dr is more than willing to do when I get to a certain weight

    *I want to be healthy for me!! I haven't been healthy in years and its about time I got my head out my *kitten* and did something about it
  • tritta01
    tritta01 Posts: 311
    My reasons:
    I want to feel and look good (its been awhile since I have actually felt that way)
    My Husband- I want to look sexy by his side.
    Dont want people to refer to me as the short chunky one anymore!!!!
    Want to have a baby in the near future and think getting healthy 1st will help.
  • critter347
    critter347 Posts: 58 Member
    I want to be able to go swimming,
    I want to be able to wear clothing and feel comfortable
    I want to not be ashamed of my body
    I want to be able to make more friends, I tend to stay mostly to myself because of my weight
    I want to be healthy and fit, able to run around and not be winded,
    I want to be happy,
  • melanielockard
    melanielockard Posts: 114 Member
    i want to be healthy
    i want my children to be healthy
    i wanna fight obesity and diabetes one person at a time
    to be a role model for my family
    i also want to get to the point where i like to go for a jog or whatever
    and of coarse to fit nicely in clothing!!!
  • clewliss
    clewliss Posts: 640 Member
    So I can think about something besides losing weight! :laugh:
  • chelle1a
    chelle1a Posts: 143 Member
    My reasons are:

    1. I want to feel better about myself.

    2. I'm going on vacation in July and I want to look decent in a swim suit as well as other clothes.

    3. I want to be healthier.

    4. I want to look good for my husband and children.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I tell people different reasons but the real reason (and the genuinely serious answer) to that question is because last year it dawned on me that I've gone past the half-way point of the average life-span of the men in my family (the average life-span for the men in my family has been between 65 and 70 - heart disease, cancer, strokes and diabetes are major problems in my family).

    I decided it was time to try and improve my chances of reaching the higher end of the life-span rather than just reaching the lower end of it (one of my uncles was only 44 when he died. That's only 7 years older than I am now).

    The only way I can try to improve my chances are to drasticaly improve my lifestyle.
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    Girls that turn their heads when I walk through the mall
    Wanting to live a long life without the heal problems associated with weight.
  • R0se
    R0se Posts: 10
    1. I want to stop worrying that any day I could develop diabetes, have a heart attack or stroke

    2. I want to get my life back now my children are independent of me

    3. I want to have a completely new wardrobe.

    Here's hoping we achieve our goals