needs some MAJOR motivation!!

bameyers Posts: 30
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
WOW, i am truely dissappointed in myself. Okay, i got an account on here about,eh, 5 months ago? Anyways, for a little while i logged my food, no, i didnt always do so hot, but atleast i was attempting. New years, i had GREAT confidence in doing it. After about 3 days, it was all shot to hell. I was back to bad habits. I am going to just tell you i am about 185, which is HORRIBLE for me. I have an hourglass figure, so it tends to go to my thighs, butt, & hips. I just need some motivation. Please. Anyone?!I really want this.


  • klthomas59
    klthomas59 Posts: 100 Member
    set up mini goals so you can see yourself achieving them and they encourage you further
  • Well I just signed up! Your working at it and that's the best keep going don't focus on the long term focus on the short term. A good quote I heard was "Anyone can start the strong will finish" so keep working at day by day.
  • bp1984
    bp1984 Posts: 38 Member
    Well if you are falling into bad eating habits the easiest way to help eliminate calories is with liquids. Switching to diet soda, water, or light beer (whatever you drink) will help. Drinks add up quickly. Also moderate exercise will help lower your calorie total while You still take the time to adjust your overall eating habits. Hope this helps :)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Just take it one day at a time. If you can wake up in the morning and commit to being healthy for that day, everyday, eventually you won't have to make a concious decision.

    I would also recommend listening to your inner child to find out why she wants to lose weight. Losing weight to be healthy is certainly a go:blushing: od idea. However, I find that losing weight to fit into great jeans or make someone jealous can be a bit more motivating.
  • vcmorse
    vcmorse Posts: 18
    i need friends im trying to loose 140 and i need some sort of motivation group to help me thru it add me :)
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    First, don't let those few downfalls stop you... Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and start again. Tomorrow is a new day. :-) We all have those days/weeks/months... All we can do is move forward and not look back...
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    We can be here to support you...but it's only you that do the Dedication, Willpower & self accountability...If you really want it, you'll commit wishes...
  • hey Bameyers
    im with you. am sooo lacking in motivation. not even the threat of prediabetes is doing it. Maybe we could bounce of each other and help each other to make small changes and get into it and kick this weight. Feel free to add me on here and we can do some mutual butt kicking
  • I would say to set a mini goal like when I lose 12 lbs I am going to get myself the 30 day shred, because at that point I will be closer to my goal weight. If you set something small that you know you can achieve each time you reach a goal, before long you will be at the results that you want.
  • We all pretty much say the same things... Pick your self up.....set mini goals....tomorrow is another day.....positive thinking etc. Sometimes, writing yourself self affirmations help....writing up your goals.....week by week. Tonight is still early....take a walk now...or jump on the treadmill or put in a DVD....commit to 15 min of something to get you might surprise yourself and work out longer....and if you dont, at least you followed through with the 15 min you committed to. Your journey is going to be yours alone to take....but with a huge resource at your fingertips. :) Good Luck
  • It's a whole new way of thinking about food and yourself. I'm in the same boat as you!! I concentrate on one day at a time and try to fill up on lots of vegetables and my quota of fruit. Eating healthy makes me less likely to crave sugar and all those rich foods. Remember to drink lots of water. Then I also have more energy and after a week I see the scales verifying my efforts. You can do it!
  • asizesix
    asizesix Posts: 131 Member
    i made a tumblr blog for weight loss - there's a whole weight-loss/thinspiration community on there. i LOVE it...i find it really keeps me on track and reminds me every day that i am not going through this on my own.

    see my blog at i would encourage everyone to join! it's great!
  • Blueeyes1117
    Blueeyes1117 Posts: 51 Member
    You can do this! Grant it its not going to be easy its a lifestyle change its going to take some work. I havent done to hot here lately with my food choices but ive continued to log in on her and continued to get support from everyone as well as exercising on a regular basis. It takes some getting used to u just have to want it bad enough to follow through with it. Im positive you can do this its going to take time and learning but you'll get it down pat and trust me im not one to give out a whole lot of advice because im still learning and still trying real hard to stay on track and not fall and i know how hard it is. I still fall. Keep motivating yourself and keep looking for support on here you'll be fine!! Good luck :)
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