Hello - it starts today!!!

fitnesspal5 Posts: 33
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone,

I am signing on here before I start work. Today is my first proper day with MyFitnessPal and the day where I start logging everything and committing myself to a healthier lifestyle.

There are numerous reasons why I wish to lose weight (most of which are listed on my profile) and I really believe that MyFitnessPal will be an excellent tool to help me do this.

I've previously signed up with a similar website in the past (CalorieCount) and I found it very effective but I must say that I prefer this particular website because I think the interaction of it seems a lot better.

My current stats are :

Height : 5ft5 (and a half)
Weight : 163lbs

I am going to set myself targets of 7lbs every month or so. I know I could probably lose weight quicker than this but I would rather lose weight gradually because I think that I would be able to keep it off better. Having said that, last time I started a 1200 calorie diet, I lost 7lbs in two weeks.

MyFitnessPal has recommended eating 1200 calories but I am going to see how I go on. I'm not too sure whether it may be a little low. I may follow this plan for 2 weeks and then increase to between 1300-1400 calories.

Anyway, I am rambling.

Nice to meet you all! Hopefully we can all motivate each other and start the journey of getting healthier together.


  • Hello and welcome!

    Ramble as much as you like! :smile:
  • Welcome aboard and good luck to you in this journey! :)
  • Welcome,we will all keep u motivated ,this is a brilliant site X
  • sarah13f
    sarah13f Posts: 23 Member
    Same here first day today, 1200 cals I want to lose 10 pounds of baby weight that I have been unable to shift, my daughter is 2 now so I do not have any excuses this time! Really need to stay motivated!
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