Not losing and don't know why

I have been regularly going to the gym for months, and for the past 3 weeks I have been taking spin classes 5 days a week & started watching my calorie intake, and eating a lot more vegetables and whole grains/wheat products, yet I haven't lost a single pound!!! Any tips?? I don't know what I'm doing wrong.


  • busub
    busub Posts: 58
    I have been regularly going to the gym for months, and for the past 3 weeks I have been taking spin classes 5 days a week & started watching my calorie intake, and eating a lot more vegetables and whole grains/wheat products, yet I haven't lost a single pound!!! Any tips?? I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

    Open up your diary.... food, too much/lack thereof can be the culprit.
  • Shawnalee0703
    Food is a HUGE part of fitness and weight loss. Eat as clean as possible, avoid processed foods and keep up the hard work! It will happen! Stay focused. :-D
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    I have been regularly going to the gym for months, and for the past 3 weeks I have been taking spin classes 5 days a week & started watching my calorie intake, and eating a lot more vegetables and whole grains/wheat products, yet I haven't lost a single pound!!! Any tips?? I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
    If your dIary we could see what you are eating then that might allow some comment. I have my diary open so people can see what I eat and what exercise I do
  • inpaperclouds
    your body might have gotten used to your routine. Change something up.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Hello there,not to fret....i am having the same problem(until today) yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    i have not lost for 5 weeks now not a oz!!!
    your body gets used to the "same" exersice that you are doing so if you change the exersice routine you are doing around every 3 weeks your body will not get used to it,also try haveing a few more calories for a week!(i know it sounds totally mad) but it works...i am witness to it...even tho i can't get my head round it lol
    if this does not work please do come back to me and i will give you a few more ideas!!

    oh ALSO your body may be making muscle which is alot heavier that you don't even notice but could be one of many!
    good luck x
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    If you have recently upped your exercise considerably, then you could be retaining extra fluids from that.

    You could be eating more calories than you think. Most of the entries on here are user entries, many are way off. How many calories are you on? Are you eating them all, are you entering your exercise and eating at least some of your exercise calories back?
  • triannataylor
    I'm having the same problem. I've been working with a trainer 2x a week and I lost 8lb in the first three weeks, suddenly three of those lbs are back even though I've upped my workouts to 3x a week with a trainer (total of six days a week since the end of december)... I have cut out fast food (although today I gave in cuz I thought wtf... I've already gained back three!) and I've been eating a diet of cereal and skim for brkst, soybutter and jam for lunch, and then usually soup and a couple low-sodium crackers for supper with a protein bar thrown in somewhere in the day for good measure. I know my calories are still kinda up-there in the 1600-1800 range, but I can't imagine how I'm losing NOTHING. And I'm doing all kinds of classes on my cardio days to change it up, and my trainer changes my workout every time. I am sweating BUCKETS every day. How is it possible that I am not shrinking AT ALL????

    Sorry really long reply. Whooops.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I have been regularly going to the gym for months, and for the past 3 weeks I have been taking spin classes 5 days a week & started watching my calorie intake, and eating a lot more vegetables and whole grains/wheat products, yet I haven't lost a single pound!!! Any tips?? I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

    I am going to assume one thing here: that you are being honest with yourself and are accurately reporting your calories each day. Most plateaus occur because most people are eating at maintenance because they under estimate their calories from food and over estimate the amount burned from exercise.

    If you are maintaining a calorie deficit, eating well 90% of the time and exercising regularly then you ARE losing fat. It's that simple. It may not be at the rate you like but it IS happening.

    Unfortunately it maybe masked for WEEKS on the scale by water weight. Your scale weight fluctuates everyday. I know from experience that mine does by as much as 5lbs per day.

    Now, say you are losing weight at the rate of 0.5lbs per week but retaining 5lbs of water (maybe due to high salt in your diet or hard exercise.) It would take you 10 weeks to lose 5lbs of fat to balance out that weight weight. The scale will not move AT ALL in those 10 weeks but your body will be transforming. Your clothes will become looser and you will see your shape changing in the mirror.

    Forget the scale and trust the science. Fat loss is the dream not weight loss.
  • Shawnalee0703
    Tianna taylor, is your trainer not working with you on nutrition? Fruits veggiesabs much much more are crucial. Try mixing up your food, too much repeat can cause your body to get too used to it. Fresher the better. Eat as clean as possible. It'll happen lots of water, working out does cause water retention during recovery so stay hydrated. Good luck hun!
  • Loreax3
    I just joined so there's nothing in my diary
  • busub
    busub Posts: 58
    Well, what would you typically eat in a day?

    You may be surprised at the amount of calories you're actually eating daily when you start to honestly track your calories. I know I was. Do it for a few days. If there is nothing glaringly obvious in your food diary, I'm sure there are many here who would love to help you figure it out.