i just need some quick advice

I don't really understand how the whole "net" thing works.
But I'd like to know... the last two days i've burnt off more than i've actually eaten
so i'm getting roughly a net of between -200 and -300 for each of those 2 days
should i definitely expect some weight-loss (eg. lose 1 kilo in a few days) ?


  • triannataylor
    I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure the golden rule is that 1lb of fat loss = -3500 calories
    So. Not really, because you're looking at maybe -600 between the two days.
    But really it depends on your body, what you've been eating, what amount of water you're retaining, etcetc, so you never know. They scale could still tell you nice things.
  • jedday
    jedday Posts: 119
    You need to burn a specific amount each day or your body starts to store fat. So if your goal is 1400 calories you have eat the 1400 calories or as close as you can. I asked the same question and they said if my goal is 1400 calories and i burn 300 then i need to eat 1700 in order to loose the weight or I will put on weight in the form of fat. Not sure if that is 100% true or not but that is what i have been told
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Girl you just dont have any weight to lose! ( At 5'9" and 148lb with a BMI of 22). And from your comments on your profile you sound like you're heading toward anorexia. Please, please be careful!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    You have a BMI of 18.5 and want a BMI of 16.5..., your quote -i want to be thin, i want to be thinner and i want to be the thinnest.

    My advice - don't ask questions on here, speak to your Dr. You really don't need our help, you need professional help before you find yourself in the middle of an eating disorder, thats if you're not already there

    Edit: Spelling error
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
    This site is not about supporting eating or body image disorders. We are just people trying to get healthy. Please, seek professional help. A goal of 110 pounds at 5'9 is not good for your heart.