Morning Workout & Breakfast

So I just start to include a morning workout into my routine, and I’m not sure if I should be eating breakfast before or after my work out? Also what kind of things should I be eating? I read a lot about getting eating food high in protein after a workout, but what are some fast and easy breakfast foods that I can take on the go or make at work if I don’t have time which is usually the case.


  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    I like to work out on an empty stomach - and have carbs/protien aferwards, like a protien shake w/fruit (or) oatmeal w/peanutbutter.

    My last trainer said that sugars before a workout is affective, he recommended a piece of fruit or some fruit juice......
  • Scidoc
    Scidoc Posts: 106 Member
    I workout in the mornings and I can't eat before I do...for some reason I feel a bit nauseous. But after my workout I have usually have a yogurt or a protein shake, every other day I have oatmeal made with soymilk just to keep it interesting.

    Yogurt is easy to take to work with you, so are protein shakes :)
  • quara
    quara Posts: 255 Member
    I have a snack before my workout, high protein like greek yogurt or a protein bar, about 100 - 150 calories worth. I don't want a big breakfast sloshing around in my belly, but I need something to keep it from growling and give me some energy. Then I eat breakfast (usually a bowl of cereal) when I come in, because I'm hungry by then!
  • Kandy4mel
    Kandy4mel Posts: 95 Member
    i workout in the morning now and i like to have something small to eat before i work out to fuel myself. i have like whole wheat toast with peanut butter. then afterward I'll have scrambled eggs or make egg mcmuffin. whole wheat english muffin with egg and cheese. that usually will keep me full til its my first break at work. good luck!
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    If I work out first thing in the morning, I do it on an empty stomach and then have a high protein breakfast, like a protein shake for example.

    If I am working out later in the day, I have to have something in my stomach. A granola bar or a piece of fruit usually does the trick. Too full and I get nauseated, too hungry and I get nauseated. Double edged sword. :Smile:
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    whole wheat toast and a tablespoon of honey - honey is a great for working out (there are technical reasons but I don't have the references on hand atm)
  • SillySarah
    I think what type of exercise you plan on doing will help determine what you could eat before your morning workout. For instance, if you'll be running or swimming, you may want to eat something very light since the jarring motion may make you feel queasy. If you're walking or doing other low impact exercise, you could probably eat something a little heavier. Also, if you get up a couple hours before your workout, you can eat a light breakfast. Just be sure to not eat too much right before you exercise.

    I personally like to exercise in the early AM on an empty stomach. I eat a balanced meal the night before and that usually does the trick.

    If you find that you need some extra energy, you could eat foods that are low in fiber, fat, and protein, but relatively high in carbs. This is because as you exercise and exert energy, your body will not be able to quickly digest heavier/denser foods.

    Bananas, orange juice, non-whole wheat toast, saltine crackers, as well as energy drinks like gatorade or powerade are also decent options. You don't need much to get you started either.