What should I do??

bkegurl36 Posts: 61 Member
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok so here is the situation... I am a full time student and I work full time, I started P90X about a month ago and I love it! But I also am taking pilates in school and my instructor loves to do push-ups and stuff like that! Well I am finding that if I follow the P90X schedule and do the pilates I end up doing like 4 days straight of arm workouts/push-ups... I feel like my arms and pec muscles never get a chance to recover... and from what I understand (and maybe I am wrong) your muscles grow stronger during the rest/rebuilding day and that is why you should not work the same muscle groups everyday. So my question is should I just not worry about it or should I try and re-arrange the DVD's and do the arm ones the days that I also have pilates so those muscles can have a day to rest? I would love your input! Thanks! :happy:


  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    GREAT question. i recommend rearranging to make it so you do arms every other day, etc. that is what i did when i did P90X because I was also running a lot and doing other classes. just make sure to get in the workouts etc. but don't overwork because that can have negative effects. also, make sure to eat enough and also enough protein!
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    I think your fine bc your not doing them 7 days out of the week. They have 3 other days to rest..
  • Dyl911
    Dyl911 Posts: 3
    Your question leads to a larger question on fitness in general. There are two schools of thought: work everything everyday with no "rest," which is more of a Crossfit mentality and the "work a different muscle group each day, giving each sufficient time to recover" mentality, which is more from bodybuilding.

    I believe more in the former than the latter. I teach aerobics, boot camp, martial arts, etc. and when my students tell me they are sore or they just did legs yesterday or whatever, I say too bad. Do it anyway. Somehow they always seem to make it though! (I'm generally a nice person, but not when I'm teaching!) Your body is an amazing tool, and it will respond to the stresses you put upon it. Keep doing the push ups; your body will thank you...eventually.
  • bkegurl36
    bkegurl36 Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks for your help guys!
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