Very nice site!

Hello everyone! I just found your site and remain impressed! I'm 50 and in decent shape, but have been better. I've worked out most my life but took the last couple of years off, so now I'm back on it. I have always tracked by calories, carbs, protein and fat (used to weight lift very seriously). Now my wife and I are doing this together. It's nice to find a site that helps you track everything! Kudos to the site owners, my wife will love this!



  • kenkraft
    kenkraft Posts: 38 Member
    Hello everyone! I just found your site and remain impressed! I'm 50 and in decent shape, but have been better. I've worked out most my life but took the last couple of years off, so now I'm back on it. I have always tracked by calories, carbs, protein and fat (used to weight lift very seriously). Now my wife and I are doing this together. It's nice to find a site that helps you track everything! Kudos to the site owners, my wife will love this!

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Welcome. :flowerforyou:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    welcome and good luck this sites great :drinker:
  • pinktoque
    pinktoque Posts: 340 Member
    Welcome! Your wife will love it here, it's so supportive and everyone is a lot of fun :) We're glad to have you both aboard.
  • JanCar
    Good luck to you and your wife! I'm new today also and feeling absolutely motivated by this great site!