Looking for "clean eaters" with public food diaries!



  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Hi - I eat clean, well no wheat, no refined sugar, no processed stuffs, little red meat and only whole foods etc etc and my diary is public. That said I am a bit of a boring eater - I have no problem eating the same thing every day :P x
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I'm a mostly clean eater, feel free to look at my diary. Also look up TheGraciousPantry, she's on here and actually runs a clean eating blog by the same name with LOTS of recipes. Good luck :)

    ooooo she sounds good - im checking that out now!
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    I eat *pretty* cleanly- I cook for myself from scratch almost always. Some of my protein choices (like tofu and tempeh) have been processed, but I'm a vegan so I'm not giving those up, heh.

    My food diary's open for business, too.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Also also - sorry but if you check out "the clean lean diet" by Josh Duigan (Elle mcphersons nutritionist and trainer) there is a 2 week clean eating kick start plan in there - finally got me to kick my sugar habit. :)
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Awesome ideas and tips! I'm so excited to get this started again!

    I'll def check out that blog as well, thanks! :)
  • foyboy
    foyboy Posts: 49
    We try to eat clean, and we subscribe to Eat Clean Magazine which is really great with great recipes and wide variety. You'd be surprised at the amount of eat clean items are in the MFP database as well.

    My wife is the wheels behind us eating clean, as she does the planning for the week. If it weren't for her, I probably wouldn't eat as clean as I do.
  • katiesummers
    wow. that looks like well too much hard work for me!
    i dont eat alot of processed food, i generally stick to fruit and veg, but no way could i live with out the odd processed biscuit!
    you do so well to stick to diet like that, i just wouldn't have the time!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    wow. that looks like well too much hard work for me!
    i dont eat alot of processed food, i generally stick to fruit and veg, but no way could i live with out the odd processed biscuit!
    you do so well to stick to diet like that, i just wouldn't have the time!

    Not sure if you're responding to the thread in general or a specific comment, but in reality most people who eat clean don't "live without the odd processed biscuit" - most of us are somewhere in between, where we avoid as much processed food as is reasonable for our lifestyle, but rare is the person who doesn't eat *anything* processed. I still eat some processed breads/crakers/cookies - but not very often, and I try to make smart choices by buying the ones without much added sugar, salt, preservatives, ingredients I can't pronounce, etc (so the ones that are closer to home-made varieties).

    It's really not that difficult or time consuming of a lifestyle, unless you try to switch all at once. You gradually start replacing the processed foods in your life with home-made or smarter choices. Over time, you get used it and it doesn't seem like a big deal at all. I'll never be 100% "clean" but it's really not that difficult to get to the 80/20 rule - if 80% of what you eat is healthy & clean, then the other 20% won't make a big difference.
  • snerk
    snerk Posts: 51
    I just picked up the Eat Clean Diet last nite!!! I have been trying to eat clean for a few months now, although there are a few things i am unwilling to give up!! Feel free to add me and browse my food journal
  • CSM01
    CSM01 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm not sure how 'clean' I eat (never heard of that before), dunno if my diary is public... but I'll look into 'clean eating'.