Binge Eating - admitting it

boozybirdtracy Posts: 21
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
:blushing: I must admit I now know why im in the position Im in, and thankfully on my way to a sucessful weight loss. I was a secret binge eater - typical eat copious amounts of unhealthy foods and hide the evidence, I must have done this for some years but never admitted it alwas in denial, hence the 'obese' me. then one on my way to work I stopped at the supermarket and bought 2 x danish pastries, 6 pack crisps and 6 pack of individual mini biscuits and consumed then on the rest of my journey, i arrived at work and thought ' what am i doing??' burst into tears, rang my partner and confessed to the lot admitting I need help!. :cry:
The sad thing is that I went to my practice nurse and never was referred to anyone for further help and advice - why?. I was left to carry on - I thought I have a problem why not offer me help - I was eating mysef into an early grave, I will admit I still had my moments but realised i was doing it - but carried on.
I finally got help when I went to my doctor to be consider for the gastric band - i wanted to 'cheat', he listened and referred me to a specialist weight management and I was shocked that I was informed I wasnt 'big' enough,but to have someone sit and listen to me, understand the way I feel and give me sound reasonable advice made me feel positive and want to lose the weight.
so 6 months later here I am 41lbs lighter, feeling great and yes I do still have the urges to 'binge' and yes I will confess I have swayed and lost control, but not to the extent I did as I stop myself.
sorry for the self confession but, im feeling in a bit of a 'rut' and I think me writing this realising why and how Im doing will encourage me to pull my socks up and get on with my sucess!!!!:wink:

tracy xx


  • laursms44
    laursms44 Posts: 8 Member
    i can totally relate to you and reading this is a little push in the right direction for me too! i've gone three weeks right now with no weight lost and am starting to feel discouraged because i've been eating well and exercising 6 days a week! but you're right, gotta pull my socks up and get on with success! thanks for the inspiration :)
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    Been there~~done that! Yo-yo dieter for 55 years. This is the end of all that nonsense now that we have this great MFP tool. I intend to continue recording all food/fluid intake on this MFP tool for the rest of my life to prevent myself from piling the fat back on.

    I'm very grateful to Mike Lee and his volunteer team for creating this life-saving site and maintaining it :)

    Add me if you wish.

    Claire :)
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    Thank you for being open, honest and putting it out there. I too have had this struggle. I would find myself going into the kitchen and, being bored, would open the pantry and eat like 5 cookies and then go back in the living room as if nothing has happened. I've hid wrappers underneath other garbage just so no one saw it. While I have struggled these last few months, I have these urges less and less frequently. I also make a point of going into the kitchen when my husband or someone else is in there when I feel "in that moment" just so that I cannot hide in the pantry.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Been there too, BUT NOT ANY MORE!!! my thoughts of food have changed completely! I am so grateful for the plan I am on.
  • crys30
    crys30 Posts: 43
    I've been there too. I would go through McDonald's drivethru and then throw away the evidence before I got home. Or buy a box of Little Debbie snack cakes and eat them all in one day.

    Thank you for posting, it just lets us all know theres more of us out there that needs help and wants it. :)
  • sherilynn65
    sherilynn65 Posts: 26 Member
    What an inspiring story, it sounded just like me. this is whats great about this site. we can admit things on here to each other that we tend to keep to ourselves other wise. keep up the good work, thank you
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
    Good for that doctor! and god for you! I had a problem with binge eating myself. I was sick for a few years and lost a lot of weight (stopped looking after seeing 113 pounds on the scale because my low weight was scaring me)! So, for those few years, I had to appetite. I had to force myself to eat half a banana or an egg. I thought I was going to die...

    Then the doctors put their heads together and figured out what was wrong- and I got better. I could get out of bed, be in public...and little by little started eating again. After a few months, I could eat whatever I wanted and I wasn't gaining weight. Then, finally I wasn't fitting in my "skinny" clothes, nor my normal clothes, then out grew the few pairs of big jeans I had. It was like it happened overnight. I had never been overweight...and there I was, on the scale at 172 pounds. Everyone assumed my husband and I were pregnant. It was embarrassing but what was most embarrassing was I couldn't stop. I kept eating. Hiding it from my husband. Whenever I had the chance I would shove as much food in my face as possible, not knowing when my next chance would be.
    Over Christmas break, I got on the scale and I was 183. I promised it would stop as of the New Year; and it has. I don't even recognize myself in the mirror. I've never been this weight, I look like a different person...

    Thank you for letting me vent. I too told my partner I had been binge eating and I needed support. It's been a month. I hope it was just a faze.

    Good luck to the both of us!
  • LauraKB
    LauraKB Posts: 26 Member
    I've done it... I do it... and it's something I deal with too! It's usually after the kids go to bed that I grab cookies and ice cream and whatever else I have on hand and just shovel it in! I always feel sick after but keep on doing it.

    Since I've been here, I haven't - not once! It must be a concious effort on my part to change my habit. Now I prepare a cup of hot tea and tell myself, I'f I'm still hungry or craving after this tea, I'll have one snack and usually the tea is enough to get me past that manic I-need-to-stuff-myself moment. The good thing is that the feeling does pass.

    I guess it must be a form of additction! hello my name is laura and I'm a binge eater! :wink:

    So far so good for me... The weekends are rough, but I've got my weekdays pretty much in the bag now!
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