Night eating

if I can stop eating at night I will lose weight rapidly. The problem is my appetite starts at around five o'clock, and it really doesn't matter what I eat during the day. Even if I gorge myself during the day still I get very hungry at night. Any ideas?


  • jmcniel
    jmcniel Posts: 65
    Might try drinking water, you could be thirsty rather than hungry. One of the things that was hard for me to realize was just that, and it made sense since at the time I rarely did drink water.
  • cremedecassise
    Exactly the same as me so im interested in the replies too. I struggle at weekends and also week day evenings - i think its to do with too much spare time... even if im busy socialising?! weird. My appetite kicks in around 7pm when all i want to do is binge - its a constant battle!!!
  • gina205
    gina205 Posts: 74 Member
    I read an article saying that it;s a myth you can't eat at night. Calories are calories no matter when you eat them. as long as you exercise and eat healthy it shouldn't matter. Your body burns calories through the night while you're sleeping. eat your calories for the day when you're hungry but be sure to eat throughout the day too. Hope that helps!
  • Samana06
    Samana06 Posts: 107
    Calories out vs calories in. As long as you don't eat over your calories required to lose or maintain ... you will not put on weight nor keep on weight if you eat the majority of your calories at night.
    BUT, if you really want to stop snacking or eating at night, think of why you're doing it. Are you snacking now because you're really hungry ... or is your body just USED to eating at then? Try, instead of eating, drinking some water ... or have a glass of skim milk. Bodies often confuse dehydration/thirst as hunger. If you are still hungry after water ... try a small snack ... carrots or something healthy ... pop corn (air popped or light butter) is a good snacky food. Or when you get the urge to eat (and you aren't hungry and if you don't want to eat) try working out ... if you're watching tv do something with your hands ... I crochet ... sometimes color or even twiddle my thumbs. If all else fails ... I go to bed!
    I hope some of this helps ... good luck!!
  • coypelican
    I too, love to eat at night. So, I do. I try to make my dinner time later and that has really helped! So I save my calories to where I am able to eat until satisfied and then I can chill and not want stuff or crunch.
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Me too! It is possible it is emotional eating? When we have moe time something kicks in after being busy all day?

    I have found using this site at night, MFP, it helped me particularly in the first couple of weeks. Instead of feeding my mouth I hit the keys! And always had a glass of water next to me! Good luck!