Staying on track while out of town...

Next week I'm flying up to D.C. to spend the week with my brother and his wife. She gave birth to a baby girl today and my mom and I are going for a visit! I am very concerned about being able to stay on track when I get there. We will be staying with them and I'll have less control over the foods available. I am thinking about asking them if they can bring me up to the store so I can just buy a bunch of stuff for myself as well as stashing some protein bars and protein powder in my suitcase. I am not sure if I'm going to be able to work out either. They used to have gym memberships but I think they froze them for the time being. I am wondering if there are fitness clubs up there that let you just pay for the week or by the day even if you don't know any members there. I really want to stay on track but I also don't want to burden my brother and his wife to chauffeur me around... I hate to inconvenience them in any way... after all we are there to help out.

Any suggestions???

Should I just do the best I can with my calories while there and not worry about trying to work out out of respect for them? I'm torn... it is so important to me to stick to my routines but I feel like doing so might be a bit selfish...


  • Staying on track while out of town gets easier the more you do it. It would be awesome if they could accommodate your healthy eating a little. Don't think it's selfish! That's crazy =) Fitness is a lifestyle.

    How about working out early in the AM before everyone gets up or late at night when everyone is winding down. I would definitely see if there are fitness centers around or maybe a nice run outside would suffice.

    Good Luck and congrats on the new addition to your family =)
  • princessrandi
    I went out of town and then had family at my house for a total of two weeks over Christmas. When I was gone, I couldn't work out and didn't have control over lunch or dinner. If it wasn't as healthy, I just made sure to eat a smaller portion, and then snack healthy. I didn't end up working out for the whole two weeks, to spend the time with them. I gained one pound over the whole time. I decided spending time with the family was more important, and I've taken that pound and more off since I've been back to my routine. Going back to the gym wasn't as bad after two weeks as I thought it would be either. Good luck!
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    You could offer to cook for everyone. Surely in a home with a new baby, no one would be offended if you cooked -- and cooked healthy stuff!

    Buy a pedometer, and walk around their neighborhood to burn some calories. Or buy a fitness DVD, if you think you'll have access to a DVD player and won't feel self-conscious exercising at their home.

    For the rest, watch portion sizes with care would be the best suggestion I could make. You could enter the ingredients in MFP's recipe function and use that to find out what size a reasonable portion would be.
  • LaurieKPhoto1972
    I think it is totally fine to ask them if you can go to the store to buy your own groceries. My family and I are going to Florida for a week to stay with my parents in a condo they are renting for two months. As soon as we get there I am going to borrow one of their cars and hit the super market. I don't mind one bit eating different from them the whole time although I am sure I will be able to eat some of the things they are eating.

    I am sure one night we will grill hamburgers and I plan on getting some Boca burgers. I can get low fat hot dogs if they grill out hot dogs.

    The point is they are your family and they love you. They will support you no matter what and I bet they will be really proud of you too!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    thanks yall... great ideas/suggestions.

    I think I am going to mention going to the gym and if they seem willing to accommodate me I'll jump at that. Even if I can only make a few days... that is still better than nothing. My brother is taking a paternity leave so it's possible he won't mind getting out of the house a little while during the day. I don't think working out indoors will work... they live in a tiny apartment on an upper floor. Going out for a walk/run is likely not going to be an option because.... well, there have been recent snow storms in the area and I am from south Louisiana. I had on long sleeves today and it was 75 degrees. I don't do well with cold weather... and on top of that... I'm not familiar with the area and wouldn't feel safe being out and about on my own.

    @jenbusick... I think you're right... portion size will be key!