Nights Out

Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I'm 22. Sometimes, I go out drinking. It's not every week - closer to once a month.

Anyway, how do people normally manage a night out? I plan on drinking a fair amount, which will add a ton of calories, and I'll also need to line my stomach with something first. Is it better to save up some calories from earlier in the week, so my weekly average stays below the line, or exercise earlier in the day, or both? And any tips on what to line my stomach with?

While I'm here, what kind of drinks are low calorie? I like WKDs, but they're full of sugar, and most vodka/southern comfort mixers are also high sugar/calorie. Gin and tonics?


  • Rum and diet coke is like 65 calories a glass~
  • It's not my favorite drink but when I go out I drink club soda with flavored vodka. You can get it wish a splash of cranberry juice. I know some people like to put a lime in it or splenda.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I drink wine - a lot - and usually hardcore drink once or twice a month (I'm boring, me & fiance stay at home & blare the music!). But I just workout a bit extra on those days to allow for all those empty calories. Since I also have Celiac's, there are a lot of drinks I can't have. So I stick to either a couple shots of tequilla with a glass or 2 of wine or a potato vodka mixed with a bit of lemon or lime juice & seltzer water (you can find lightly flavoured seltzer that is no calories, no carbs, no sodium & no sweeteners!). My drinking usually doesn't go over 600 or 700 calories that way & with as much dancing as I do in our house or drag my fiance for walks around the neighborhood, I usually burn it off. :laugh:

    Enjoy your Youth & be safe when you go out (that's why we stay home - neither of us will dare take a chance that something happens to our us or our vehicles) :smile:
  • Vodka, water and a splash of bar lime!!! It tastes great and keeps you hydrated so you won't even get a hangover!! ;) lol
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    Good question! I always do TERRIBLY when I go out!!!
  • jedday
    jedday Posts: 119
    Rum and diet coke is like 65 calories a glass~

    Like it!
  • I just pretty much make sure I work my *kitten* off that day. I get in a great workout && then drink that night. Usually light beer (lots of it), or rum & diet coke. I'm also a big tequila fan..straight. Also, if you're anything like me, chances are you're gonna be dancing away some of those calories that night.

    Enjoy it. You said it only happens once a month or night a month wont kill you.

    As for the food, && this is gonna sound a little silly, but this past weekend, I actually brought a protein bar with me to a concert. When I got in the car that night (no, I wasn't driving), I pulled out that whenever everyone else stopped for WC. lol :)
  • Brady_
    Brady_ Posts: 108 Member
  • acknan
    acknan Posts: 261 Member
    I am a beer drinker and surprisingly, Guinness (my fav) is actually pretty low in calories. Red wine is about 130... I am actually considering really cutting back for a while. It bums me out to see so many calories in the alcohol when I work so hard to maintain my food intake and bust my butt on the treadmill every day. When I know I am going to drink, I make sure I exercise big that day and eat filling, low calorie foods that day like whole grains, beans and veggies.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    Don't drink. You really don't need it and it does more harm for your body than you think. You really don't need to drink to have fun.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    I love gin and tonic, but have to have the lime in it and most bars don't carry diet tonic, which takes you from 0 calories (diet) to 80 calories (reg). Check out the calories for each type of gin because they are not all the same. I like Bombay Saphire as it is smooth and lower calories. Stay away from the drinks that are really sweet or juicy (vodka and oj, etc...) Your best bet is to really sip a drink for twice as long as normal. Most places will freshen it up with a little more mixer or add you a little more lime if you say it is too strong. Last twice as long.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Alcohol calories are way worse than food calories. They don't have any nutrients. When you drink alcohol, your body spends time burning the alcohol and getting rid of the toxins in your body before it burns food. That food will be stored as fat.

    With that being said, drink what you want...but try to keep it to a decent level. A 65 calorie shot won't make much of a difference over something that is double the calories. Alcohol is a poison to your body. I love drinking, but I am glad I cut down a lot. If I could control my drinking even more than I would of hit my goal right now.

    Drinking too much leads to bad decisions (eating ****) leads to hungover in the morning leads to no workout and other bad food choices.
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    Don't drink. You really don't need it and it does more harm for your body than you think. You really don't need to drink to have fun.

    No, of course not. I spend 99% of my time having fun without drinking. And I intend to spend that last 1% enjoying the kind of fun I can have while drinking.

    Thanks for the tips, everyone else.:)
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