
MsKateKeen Posts: 10
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Any others out there?

Most people think that if you are vegan that you are healthy & thin, but it is not that easy. I have been vegetarian my whole life and vegan for most. For most of my adult life, I have learned to make vegan "rich & hearty" food, but that is not always good. I need to concentrate on more of a plant based vegan diet...any other vegans out there?


  • bump

    no other vegans, really?
  • ohiogirl30
    ohiogirl30 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm here! I have that exact same problem. I need to start following the vegan food pyramid to be sure I am getting the correct nutrition, and I havent been! So glad your here too
  • bevcrok
    bevcrok Posts: 40
    I definitely relate. I am trying to move towards more produce-based meals and to limit high fat, high sugar foods. I am also a dessert fiend, which doesn't help.
  • Yea, I seem to eat a lot of bread and "fake meats" which are not only NOT the best form of protein, but are basically glorified processed junk food.
  • bka8
    bka8 Posts: 92
    I've just been wondering - is it cool to eat yeast if you're a vegan?
  • I AM!!!

    Oreos are my enemy!!!
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    Vegan here, hello. :flowerforyou:
  • I'm a vegan! So excited that there are a few on here.

    I'm totally with you. Being vegan does not mean that you are thin and healthy. There are so many processed vegan junk foods out there!

    I've been trying to cut out processed foods and its definitely been working. I have also seen a huge increase in energy. Anyway, friend me and we can keep in touch, y'all!
  • tinboy
    tinboy Posts: 121 Member
    I've been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for the majority of my life, raised that way. I did try a vegan diet for about a year, very difficult. However, I again, as others have said, need to go to more produce and less pre-prepared is a lot more work, but tastes very good if the time and effort are made. I'm finding it extra effort to work on getting good protein being a vegetarian, I feel for you, being vegan, but you can do it! I'm sure glad I'm not a Celiac (at least I hope I'm not!!!). You go girl! :heart:
  • I've been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for the majority of my life, raised that way. I did try a vegan diet for about a year, very difficult. However, I again, as others have said, need to go to more produce and less pre-prepared is a lot more work, but tastes very good if the time and effort are made. I'm finding it extra effort to work on getting good protein being a vegetarian, I feel for you, being vegan, but you can do it! I'm sure glad I'm not a Celiac (at least I hope I'm not!!!). You go girl! :heart:

    I was raised a ovo-lacto vegetarian too!, then went vegan at 14 years old, and then I've gone back and forth with vegan & vegetarian in my adulthood
  • nepenthes59
    nepenthes59 Posts: 4 Member
    Sadly, I fell off the vegan wagon due to the fact that I had 22 hospital stays since 2006 - my Dr always teased me that I needed a good steak dinner - Since he saved my life, I don't mind the teasing~! haha

    I try to eat vegan meals - & have never stopped being vegetarian
  • DeannaOnline
    DeannaOnline Posts: 33 Member
    I am vegetarian (and no eggs) - I'm moving towards Vegan now!
  • Trishkit
    Trishkit Posts: 290 Member
    I'm vegan! I have been vegan since January of last year, and yep, still overweight! People expected me to get all skinny, but I usually eat too much, which negates the fact that I'm eating healthier overall. And I love baking....

    I'm working toward consuming less processed stuff, as well. Though I love my Field Roast smoked apple sage "sausages" -- mmm! At least I can pronounce everything on the label and know what everything is! My biggest problem is failing to make a meal plan for the week, which means I'm more likely to get home and make something from a box (like tonight's risotto, which is high in sodium), rather than cook a full meal. When I plan out my meals for the week, I do so much better!

    So tonight, when I get home from Zumba, I'm totally whipping up a batch of my favorite oatmeal with steel cut oats, to have for breakfast in the morning. :-)

    Feel free to add me!
  • I'm vegan! I have been vegan since January of last year, and yep, still overweight! People expected me to get all skinny, but I usually eat too much, which negates the fact that I'm eating healthier overall. And I love baking....

    I'm working toward consuming less processed stuff, as well. Though I love my Field Roast smoked apple sage "sausages" -- mmm! At least I can pronounce everything on the label and know what everything is! My biggest problem is failing to make a meal plan for the week, which means I'm more likely to get home and make something from a box (like tonight's risotto, which is high in sodium), rather than cook a full meal. When I plan out my meals for the week, I do so much better!

    So tonight, when I get home from Zumba, I'm totally whipping up a batch of my favorite oatmeal with steel cut oats, to have for breakfast in the morning. :-)

    Feel free to add me!

    I SOOOO agree with you! If you plan out your meals, its much easier to eat more whole foods. I think the planning thing applies whether you are veggie/vegan or an omnivore.

    I keep all the "bad" food outta the house. If I'm really craving something, I'll go to the store and buy it just specifically for that time. Usually, I end up being too lazy to do that and just deal with the craving. BUT, I have found that if I eat more raw/whole foods and pay attention to getting the nutirition I need, I don't even have cravings.

    Anyone up for keeping this thread going to discuss our vegan struggles and whatnot? I definitely could use the support and the ideas!
  • nepenthes59
    nepenthes59 Posts: 4 Member
    Vegan friendly - macrobiotic - very tasty!
  • I just started the Eat to Live diet by Joel Fuhrman, MD. He recommends eating unlimited amounts of vegetables (especially green leafy), fresh fruits, and beans. Limited quantities of starchy vegetables, whole grains, raw nuts and seeds, dried fruit, ground flaxseeds. Off-limits are animal products, including dairy, fruit juice, and oils. His book includes recipes. I lost a pound the first day.
  • Vegetarian here! Have been planning lots of vegan meals lately! I have found that all vegetarian/vegan cookbooks are NOT created equal. What are you favorites?!
  • I'm a vegetarian! Trying to make my way towards becoming vegan. I have noticed that my sodium intake is a lot higher than it should be. I don't understand this since the majority of what I am eating is strictly fruits and vegetables, with little to no processed food. Anyone else having this problem??
  • I'm vegan :) have been for about 2 years now. It's totally true that being vegan doesn't necessarily mean being thin, although it does help your odds a good deal - I've read statistics like 60% less likely to be obese! Luckily I'm not even technically overweight (unless you take frame size into account eeeep!) but I do have troubles losing weight and some people (although these people are, like, my mother and her friend the naturopath sooo not the most qualified lol) say it might be because I am vegan. I don't think this is true. Has anyone encountered any information to suggest it is?
  • Vegetarian here! Have been planning lots of vegan meals lately! I have found that all vegetarian/vegan cookbooks are NOT created equal. What are you favorites?!

    Any book by Isa Chandra & Sarah Kramer, I own every book they have written, and my friend just wrote a great vegan book;
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