New - but possibly the only one who's here to GAIN muscle?

Hi! I'm Chelrieton (I will always go by my username, I'm sorry!) and i'm currently a student in college. Unfortunately (and please don't hate me for it!) I am not here to lose weight. I am actually here to gain it in the form of muscle.

Now, having said that, I am NOT trying to look ripped and buff. Lol. I'm just trying to be toned and have a more fit physique. After all, being "skinny" does not equate being healthy and it certainly does not equate being in shape. After all, I want to look good and toned in my swimsuit! Not like a twig with wobbly skin. Hah!

Besides, being called a "twig" and "chicken legs" and always being mistaken as someone suffering from a disorder simply because of the way I look is never fun. I want to have some mass in the form of muscle so none of this happens anymore.

I'm posting this in hopes of finding someone who is looking for the same thing I am and who can perhaps tell me how to get the best results! I don't really have any deadline time-wise. I guess I'm crossing my fingers to look toned by summer, but other than that I'm just kind of taking it as it comes.

Even if you aren't here for the same reason I am, and you ARE here to lose weight, I welcome your friendship!

Hope to hear from some of you! (:

~Have a healthy day!


  • alyssa83202
    I'm here to lose weight AND tone up! lol
    Feel free to add me and good luck!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    You are definitely NOT the only one out there looking to gain lean muscle instead of lose weight. It's just that the majority of people posting on the boards are the ones looking for weight loss. :bigsmile:

    I personally want to do both...I want to lose body fat AND gain lean muscle mass...which explains my love for P90X, I suppose.

    Good luck, I am sure you will find lots of friends to support you!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I am here for both.
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    I just joined up today, and it sounds like we have a similar goal. I don't have many pounds to lose, it's more of a tone up issue. I assume that I'll lose the fat weight and replace it with muscle, and that is fine with me. My muscle tone is crap, and that's what I miss the most. :) Like you say, skinny legs with no definition doesn't look all that great. LOL Great to see this thread and people with similar goals!
  • chelrieton
    It is awesome to hear from all of you! :D
    I hope we can all reach our goals and tone up as well as lose the fat-weight. And I hope to be hearing from all of you in the future to see how everyone is doing (:

    Since I'm fairly new I'm still not sure how the entire system works, so any tips/hints/knowledge would be great!
  • nolaboi504
    im here to gain wieght, but unlike you, im trying to put on massive pounds because im pretty much got tired of being called skinny and wimpy and all that other bs. i started this whole thing 2 weeks ago weighing in at 140 and today I was at 150.
  • cflorkie
    cflorkie Posts: 92 Member
    I'm doing the same thing :) I am also sick of being accused of having an eating disorder or of being a drug user. Welcome!