Just me?

It's like this.
I've been working hard, all month long. 5-6x a week. Running 3 miles every other day, circuit training, cardio, Exercise On Demand, mixing it up.
Keeping focused on my eating, not getting bored with my food choices. . I've adopted this new idea...I printed out a Microsoft Word monthly calender and put on the fridge. Every day I log in my exercise for the day, as of the 28th of Jan. I only had 6 blanks...meaning no workouts. That's ok, cuz I feel great and can see the difference. I dropped only about 2 lbs this month, but 1 inch on my hips and .5 on my waist.
Friday I go to a bday party and get complements, "look at how skinny u are". "eat something already"..ok fine, I feel great.
Saturday I barely got in a measly 20 minutes at the track and gave up and went home.
Sunday, I had a 920 calorie dinner, and NO workout.
Tell me why now it's Monday and my modivation is just slipping. I just hate how I do this to myself. I know I shouldn't care what others opinions are but it seems once I get that approval from others, I just give up on myself.
I don't want to continue with this pattern...I need it back.


  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Even when you met your goal, you still need to eat healthy and keep up the hard work :P Just try to get back on track and ignore what others think.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Take a moment and visualize the perfect you. Imagine if you looked in the mirror and the perfect you was there, looking back at you. Wouldn't that be exciting? Keep your eye on that goal and you will succeed. Maybe your old goal was to get approval from others. So you got that and your mind decided you were done. Now, set your next goal.
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    Take a moment and visualize the perfect you. Imagine if you looked in the mirror and the perfect you was there, looking back at you. Wouldn't that be exciting? Keep your eye on that goal and you will succeed. Maybe your old goal was to get approval from others. So you got that and your mind decided you were done. Now, set your next goal.
    OMG I think that's it! I also have been doing great this month, 16 lbs gone, people at work saying "wow! I can totally see it. you look great!" How do i celebrate? by eating everything in the house and just feeling the "blah, I am done" feeling. I think you have given me my Ah-ha! moment. Thank you. You my friend are a lifesaver. :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • steph_669
    steph_669 Posts: 22 Member
    Take a moment and visualize the perfect you. Imagine if you looked in the mirror and the perfect you was there, looking back at you. Wouldn't that be exciting? Keep your eye on that goal and you will succeed. Maybe your old goal was to get approval from others. So you got that and your mind decided you were done. Now, set your next goal.
    thanks for that. I'm taking that and running with it :)