Bring on 30 !! New members looking to lose in thier 30's



  • achart
    achart Posts: 11
    Kim - I trained slowly, using a program called From Couch to 5K. There is a program From Couch to Half-Marathon. It's a 9 (?) week training program, 3 days a week, and you start slowly, always with a 5 minute warm-up walk. The first week of From Couch to 5K is 5 minute warm-up walk, 60 seconds running, 90 seconds running - repeating the 60/90 second intervals for 20 minutes. I run around my neighborhood, so I don't know my distance, just my time. My pace at the 5k in November was just over 13 minutes/mile, which is better than I had anticipated. I am a firm believer that if I can start and maintain a running program, anyone can. I always thought that since I'm short and heavy that I just wasn't built to run, but I was wrong. As long as you stay healthy and don't push yourself into injury, anyone can do it. I cannot stress how important running shoes are. I started with the old dingy sneakers that I'd had for over 5 years (when I told the sales person at my local running store how old my shoes were, I thought she was going to pass out), then my parents bought me running shoes for my 30th birthday, and it made all the difference in the world. It's an investment, for sure, but you won't have as sore feet.
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    I know I shouldn't check the scale before my actual weigh in but its so hard. I honestly check daily. I'm down another pound.. yeahh but I know I shouldn't post the change until Monday, maybe it will be more.

    I'm 161 now, that was my starting weight for my 2nd pregnany. Next goal is 150, that was my weight at wedding and 1st pregnancy. I'd love to be 145 though. I'll get there
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks I'm actually going next week to get fitted for running shoes. I'm a runner, normally can easily run 3-4 miles no trouble but I know I should start from scratch and do the programs right. I love my old shoes thought but they are falling apart and I'm feeling it now. Crazy but they are 5 years old. I love adidas, cheaper ones... Love them but I know for the long distance I should listen to a specialist. I'm heading over soon. My sister was nice enough to get me a gift card.
  • Crystel22
    Crystel22 Posts: 242 Member
    Hello all, I am Crystel. I am a bit older than some of you, I am 31. I am a mother of 3 boys and I am trying to lose 16 pounds total. I have already lost 5 and I am definitely motivated to reach my goal. I do find it hard sometimes, since I am a serious sweet tooth. I have been doing good to stay away from the sweets. I am however, craving some ice cream. Hopefully this will eventuallt go away and I can enjoy some here and there.

    Any of you ladies from Ohio? It really helps to have people encouraging you. I am so glad my husband recommended this site.

    Good luck to all of you on your goals and I hope you don't mind if I join the group.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hope everyone had a good weekend. They're too short..... My weekend was a lot of fun. We had a college friend in town all weekend, which meant lots of wine and meals out. I didn't do too bad considering. I still went over my calories on Saturday despite a 5.7 mile run. The run was great, the weather perfect, an excellenet mp3 random play day. It's the furthest I've run in almost a year. So that may me feel pretty good and not feel so bad I went over on calories. I was able to burn a little cleaning yesterday. When I put cleaning in that perspective, I enjoy it a lot more. :happy:

    I ramped up the running last week and am now dealing with a sore knee and quad. I think I'm going to do a lot of yoga and elliptical this week and give my body a little break.

    Hope you all have a great week!
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    I'm a little bummed. I had no weight change this week. I know its better than an increase but I'm so close to my 150's and I just want to be there now. :) Guess I just need to buckle down and get working on it.
  • Crystel22
    Crystel22 Posts: 242 Member
    I know the feeling Kim. I had zero weight loss and zero gain, but feel like I was looking forward to seeing a loss for the hard work and then nothing. How do you pick yourself up after a week like that?
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Hope it's not too late to join! Saw two of my other friends on here Victoria and Maria! Hi ladies. Victoria - didn't know your name until now! How nice!

    Well, I am Margaret and I already turned 30 this year (King's day) - Jan. 6. I stumbled upon MFP on Jan. 16. Before that I was still doing the same ol' same ol'. I didn't have ANY new year's resolutions or any aspirations to lose the excess weight I've carried and added to since high school. But when I saw an ad for this site in Parent's Magazine I just checked it out and got hooked!!!

    I have two girls (3 and 1) and want a large family. We are hoping to try for baby #3 after I hit my goal weight. I'm 5' 5.5" Yup, I need that last 1/2 inch - it helps! :bigsmile:

    My largest size non-pregnant was 168. I started about a year ago making healthier choices of what I eat, but never counted calories or measured quantities and plateaued at 152 until I found this site. Now I am rockin and rollin and plan to use this site FOREVER. Once I hit my goal, I plan to add 300 calories/day when I get pregnant to have a healthy pregnancy and I will ultimately use it to maintain my weight once I hit goal.

    My goal is 125 lbs - ish.... subject to change depending on how much all of that lean muscle weighs when I am done sculpting my muscles! :love:

    Anyway, I don't really have any set date to reach my goals - the sooner the better. My younger sister is getting married in March so I'd like to look nice for the wedding, but I certainly won't hit goal by then.

    Right now, I am struggling to eat enough protein (I'm not a vegetarian), and I run 30 minutes on my elliptical 5-6 days a week. I'm doing some light strength training as well on the bowflex. I hate running. I see alot of runners/marathon/5k people. More power to ya. I really, really, really HATE to run. Don't know why. :frown:

    Anyway, excited to find all of you ladies on here!
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Well Margaret, I'm so glad you found this fabulous thread! :bigsmile:

    I hop all of you are doing well. I just weighed-in today and was down to 152! That is 10 lbs less than my heaviest weight (not pregnant). Just 2 more pounds until I meet my first mini-goal.

    Like all of you, Iove MFP and I'm so glad I found it when I did.
  • jmncolts

    Not sure if I name is Jeanette!!

    I tried to go back and add those on the thread that I was not friends with yet and it said I added too many in a certain time I forget who I already sent requests to!! lol! Feel free to add me if we are not mfp friends!!

    I have to say...I have really enjoyed those I have been friends with!! It's amazing how much we can learn from and support each other!:flowerforyou:

    Thanks "Bring on 30!" Girls! :)
  • achart
    achart Posts: 11
    I cannot emphasize just how great this tool is! Between calculating everything for you and introducing you to a group of people who support you unconditionally, MFP is amazing! I even convinced my mother to sign up!

    Thanks again for all the support out there and let's keep it up!
  • PotterPrincess
    margaret, I with ya on the not loving running! I was feeling a bit akward with all the runners on this board, but glad to see I'm not alone =)

    I've gotten a bad start to this week eating wise, but hopefully I was just getting it out of my system. Its so hard to resist the bad stuff when someone sets it in front of you. I've kept up my daily walking though so I'm not discouraged! I think I'm ready to take it up a level and buy the Zumba for Wii. It looks like so much fun!!!
    I haven't weighed in this week, hopefully I'll remember to do it tomorrow morning before I eat so I can see how bad my weekend was to me...
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Tomorrow is my weigh in day and if I just stay where I am, I think I will be happy. I had a lot of salt yesterday and was over my calories Thursday - Saturday over the weekend and didn't really make that up in being under my calories on the other days. I don't want to get down even if I have gained. I have a long history of scale nuerotica and I'm tired of it having so much control over me. So if I'm *****ing and moaing about gaining weight tomorrow, remind me it's a new week/weekend and I will just have to better this time. It's not the end of the world. It's all on me anyways. I didn't have to have all those glasses of wine and cheese..... :drinker:
  • jesneverhome
    jesneverhome Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a little late but ...KIM KOZ OMG you need new shoes like today. Old worn shoes hurt your knees, hip flexors, name it. You're going to feel like your runnin on pillows when you get your new kicks!

    BetterBalance..i feel you on the scale issue. I weigh myself everyday. I agree it's nuerotic.

    I have not been anywhere near committed this week when it comes to cutting back on the alcohol. I had beer this weekend. Margarita Monday :smile: and Corona Tuesday. Way too much salt. I did watch my food intake, but drinking 600+ calories really outweighs any clean eating. :sad:

    Today...i really am not drinking. After work i have to run and do homework.

    For all the beginner is possible...I have a 12 week schedule for a half marathon that is for beginners. My sis is following it. She's never ran more than 3 miles and last week i got her up to 7 miles now..

    "Nobody cares if you'r not a good dancer. Just get up and dance. The same holds true for racing. Whether first or last, we all cross that same finish line. Just get out there and run." - Dean Karnazes, Ultrarunner and best-selling author
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Jesneverhome, I feel ya. I drank pretty heavily Thursday - Saturday and had a couple glasses of wine the last three nights. I'm with you, tonight no drinking! But then I have girls night Thursday and Kentucky game Saturday night (go Cats!) and Super Bowl Sunday. It's gonna be a tough week..... Better bump up my cardio! Good luck.
  • jesneverhome
    jesneverhome Posts: 12 Member
    @ BB: Wow that sounds like my kind of week/weekend! :happy:
    I hope I can hold out until Super Bowl Sunday..........
    It's so cold this week which makes it hard to get motivated to move and burn off calories. I live in TX so anytihng below 50 is freezing. it's 35 for the high...:grumble:
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Sorry girls I'm still around. This is month end at work so I'm normally distant for a good week. Still keeping track and doing well.

    I was a bit bummed earlier in the week about no change but I'm still working on it.

    The kids were a bit sick yesterday so I didn't get my elliptical in but I did shovel hard snow for about 45 !! We have a ploq guys but I just needed to get out of the house for a bit

    No running for me yet. We're still deep in snow season here and I'm not running it that. Our highs are normally around 30 here. Lately been in the teens though. I'll start outside running come March, with new shoes too. Probably going next week to get them

    I can't wait. Jesneverhome you are so right. I find my toes go numb around 40 mins into my cardo I need new shoes NOW.
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Well its not Monday but today is my 1 month mark - I have lost 7 pounds !!! Love it and I can already see the results.
  • achart
    achart Posts: 11
    I'm feeling bummed out. I had a bad weekend - so bad that I couldn't bring myself to log in. But I'm back today and about to do an aerobics DVD, but my heart isn't in it.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    been a busy week with work! but i managed to fit in a zumba class and started the 30ds on thursday. so far so good, managed to loose 2lbs this week which im happy abt!