trouble drinking enough

I'm having a hard time drinking enough water. I like water, so no problem there. The issue is that I work in a biological laboratory, so I cannot eat or drink at work. In fact, you can't even store food inside the lab. My desk is inside the lab, so I don't have another place. There is a lunchroom, but it is a ways away from my lab.

Once I get home at the end of the day, I drink plenty, but to meet the goal I feel like I should be drinking throughout the day-- something I am having trouble with. I really can't think of anything besides drinking a lot at breakfast and dinner. Does anyone have any better suggestions?


  • kelliekent
    Wow. That's rough. I keep a glass of water at my desk at all times and drink constantly throughout the day. I can't imagine not being able to do that. What a bummer. =( I'd suggest taking at least one break in the morning and drinking water and one break after lunch to drink more water? I have to say that drinking plenty of water definitely helps so I hope you can work it out!
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    i have the same problem. you can add decaffeinated tea or crystal light to your water if that helps. I've found that now I'm counting my water that it is making it easier to consume enough as time goes on. I also have two 32 oz bottles so I've tricked my mind into thinking all i have to do is consume 2 bottles instead of 8 cups. just a mind game that is working for me. but still some times i don't get them all down. we just have to keep working on it.
  • Laura300963
    :sad: :yawn: I use the bottles. It is easier, you can carry them around with you. I have only been on this diet for 3 weeks, and have drunk enough water to sink a battle ship. But is keeps the hunger abay and has improved my skin. Find a way at your lab. Or leave the work station and take a sneaky sip.