
  • s.w 270 lbs 1/1/11 :explode:

    now 255 lbs 1/2/11 :wink:

    MARCH 1ST 2011 = 240 LBS :love: = HUBBY 31ST BIRTHDAY

    I'M IN !! :heart:
  • Hello!! I'm in!!
    CW 178
    Goal 160
  • bouldert
    bouldert Posts: 225 Member
    hello first official weigh-in was 330
    now 322.5
  • Satring weight on this challenge: 172.
    This morning: 169.5
    That's 2.5 lost since last week (and 4.5 since I started on MFP)
    My goal for next week is 167
  • turntechBiologist
    turntechBiologist Posts: 374 Member
    SW: 329.6
    CW: 326.4 (3.2lbs)

  • daisy89
    daisy89 Posts: 151 Member
    SW (for this challenge): 152
    CW: 150.4

    Yay!!! I feel really good about myself. =]

    Congrats to everyone else. Here's hoping we lose those 10 lbs.
  • alright here is my weigh in for the challenge..... it is 167.8!!! No0o0o!!..i gained.. :( bummer
  • lol everyone seems to have lost weight and i gained..thats real motivating...not!! :cry:
  • I'm 159.4 today. Pretty excited because the last time I was under 160 was at least 2 years ago. Id also be happy with an 8 pound loss for a march 1st weigh in of 152 :)
  • Prettyme924
    Prettyme924 Posts: 86 Member
    sw 161 ---before i found mfp
    cw 153.8--feb 1
    gw--130 by april 1--

    ---being 143 by march 1 sounds great---
    **Beach Body here I come --All aboard :-D
  • HaydonS19
    HaydonS19 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in. current weight is 186... :cry: how often are we going to update each other on our progress?
  • 1/25 = 162 lbs.

    Today (2/1) = 160.5 lbs
    I lost a whole pound and a half!... now if only I could do that every week.

    Goal = 152 lbs
  • singingsophie
    singingsophie Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in! This is also my first post ever, ha. weight in 224.6
  • I'm in. Current weight 191.5. Want to be I80 by March 1st.
  • I'm in. current weight is 186... :cry: how often are we going to update each other on our progress?

    Once a week on Tuesdays.
  • 2/1/2011
    Weight - 165
  • Rosebud62
    Rosebud62 Posts: 18 Member
    1/19/11 - SW 164.6
    2/1/11 - CW 161.6
    3/1/11 Goal- 154.6
    GW- 135
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    I'm in. 178

    today 176
  • Im game, I weighed in @ 238 2/1/11
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    hows everyone doing?
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