It's the Daily Thread! What's up with you on this fine Tues



  • FitManderz
    Hello all! I'm new! We have lots of Snow here in beautiful Cleveland Ohio! How is everyone? :-)
  • Charrisse
    South of Indy here - Nashville In..
    Watching the weather too.. prob gonna budle up and head outside for a walk. Our road is solid ice, but its pretty!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Global warming here in Denver,,,,,, -2 for the high today.
  • jessicayoung82
    jessicayoung82 Posts: 157 Member
    I too am in Indy.

    Due to the crappy weather, I am home, my fiance is home and my daughter. The only problem is that I had to day off as a vacation day and due to the weather no one else could make it into the office so I am working from home. There goes a productive day at home. :(
  • mandalina23
    Hey Hey!! My Fitness Pals! ... We are here in Ga. with Rain, and high 40s - - But it is cold brrr. Hopefully no more snow for us, because our whole state shuts down! And I am not a fan of being snowed in longer than a day! :) ... Other than that work work work for me!!
  • LFern
    LFern Posts: 141
    Our little piece of paradise in WI recieved about 3 inches last night. The drifting is what caused most of the nuisance. Shoveled a 2 ft drift from in front of the garage door this morning. And off of the porch. The driveway was just along the edges. . . enough shoveling to make my bones ache though.

    More coming this week - looks like ALL week!

    INDOOR excersize people!! NO excuses!! Back to the old school. Push ups, Sit ups, Shadow Boxing, Jumping Jacks, Dancing, and the old "bicycle" (lay on your back with your feet in the air and PEDDLE!)

    Stay warm WHERE-EVER you are! And drive SAFE!
  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    LOL...Gotta love our Texas weather. The high for me today in the Valley was 74, but it was down to 68 when I was out around 4 this pm. So sorry about all the ice (I used to live in Dallas and hated it) the snow, another thing. I also lived in Prescott, Az. and it's beautiful and lots of fun...snow in the morning, sun in the afternoon. You iced in guys stay safe and know this Texas person is praying for ya'll.