Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 5



  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Thanks for the awesome chart & motivation!! Keep up the great work everyone!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • kingkimi1213
    kingkimi1213 Posts: 132 Member
    What is this I see? AHHHH I have a yellow mark =D

    So exciting!!!! Have a great week ladies!!!!!!!!
  • The chart looks awesome Rach!
    Keep up the hope after finding out that my thyroid levels are very elevated but apparently not quite elevated enough to treat :( Explains the lack of weight loss and walking around like there is gauze in my brain. :(:(:(
    Get at least 5 workouts in
    DO NOT GO OVERBOARD at the hockey game or Super Bowl Party.
  • cocodp
    cocodp Posts: 164
    Thanks Rachel for putting together this chart and keeping up with's so much easier to have a visual to keep you motivated which I'm now realizing what I need.

    I printed a weekly calendar for me with my water intake and have it on my desk so I can cross off how much I drink.

    I printed a monthly calendar now with days I'm going to exercise and put it up in my bathroom and kitchen so I can cross it off as well.

    Just trying to figure out what works for me to keep me on track.

    Feel free to steal or share ideas with this ladies... :)

    Have a good week everyone!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Great job ladies! Keep up the good work, cuz we are all worth it!

  • annie422
    annie422 Posts: 114 Member
    sorry, couldn't find this yesterday. I'm down to 125.6. down .4

    Not much, but it's something...
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Rach, that chart is a work of art! Thank you so much- I know how much time it takes pulling something like this together once, let alone having to do update charts with all the palaver of copying and pasting here there and everywhere.

    I faithfully promise never to be late checking in on Monday. (Admittedly it helps that I am a few hours ahead of most of you girls!)

    Well done to all of us for hanging in there, and a huge well done to those in yellow!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Great job ladies! And Rach, as always, thanks for doing the chart and holding us together!

    I need to get my water intake much higher everyday. So that and to workout 4 more times this week are my goals. Doing a combination of Body Combat and Tri Class tonight so looking forward to it!!
  • Fantastic work everyone!!!

    My goal this week is to start exercising again. At least 3 times this week!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    hey ladies! great work this past week!

    my goal this week is to stay focused. i want to have a great weight-loss month and the only thing that can stop me is myself! i'm ready for the challenge. :)
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay ladies, I'm updating the chart right now, but sometimes the image doesn't update on the site until late at night. I think MFP saves the images for quicker loading of pages, and it resets at midnight maybe. Not for sure, but if you still don't see yourself in a little while, you should definitely show up on it tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • WriteNovels
    WriteNovels Posts: 56 Member

    -Besides yesterday, monday, which is my day off for working out (because I work a 14hour shift), I want to work out every day.
    -Continue to drink tons of water!
    -Lose some damn weight!
  • I'm so excited!! I have a PLAN!!! A workout plan!!!

    I've tried to follow the plans that come with the workout programs, but they schedule you off on days that don't work for me and longer workouts on work days and shorter on the weekends, and the reverse works better for me, so I always try to modify them and it hasn't worked.

    But! Now I have a NEW plan!!

    I'm going to do a C25K/30-Day Shred hybrid!!

    Mon, Wed, Fri - Shred
    Tue, Thurs, Sat - C25K
    And if I'm up for it on Sundays, maybe Zumba, or a Core workout, or something for variety.

    It'll be super easy to follow, I think it'll be enough variety that I won't get bored too quickly, AND! I'll train to run a 5k, which is my goal for my vacation in June, so I can just run for exercise and not worry about weights or bands or whatever!

    Great job this week, girls!! And thanks again, Rach! Fingers crossed for this week!!
  • Angie3G
    Angie3G Posts: 29 Member
    Bad week :(
    I really need to get back to working out. I've just been counting but not losing at all. School is making this rough.

    Zumba - three days a week.
    Gym - two days a week.
    Walking - three days a week (weather permitting).
    Counting EVERYTHING. No cheating.
    Water with every meal.
    No more than 1100 calories a day. 1200 isn't working :(

    Totally agree-I need to go back to working out as well.
    My goal:
    4x session this week (zumba, pure power and boxing)
    Drink water

    Rach, thanks for the charts!!!!
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    146.8 yesterday! finally!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Bad week :(
    I really need to get back to working out. I've just been counting but not losing at all. School is making this rough.

    Zumba - three days a week.
    Gym - two days a week.
    Walking - three days a week (weather permitting).
    Counting EVERYTHING. No cheating.
    Water with every meal.
    No more than 1100 calories a day. 1200 isn't working :(

    Maybe you arent eating enough...? Try eating your BMR for a few days to give your body the fuel it needs. I dont know your height or current weight, but maybe your body needs more in order to lose? I know I lost weight when eating 1200, but when I started eating more (1200 isnt a lifestyle i could ever commit to), I gained it allll back plus more. :( Now that Im eating my BMR (1500), I am losing about 2 lbs a week, a total of 7 lbs this month. Im not a doc or a dietician, but my close friend is. And she advised me to eat NO LESS than my BMR since that is the basic number of cals your body needs in order to function. Worth a shot..? Hope this week brings some positive changes for you :)
    I agree with this except I would say try upping it for a couple of weeks so your body can adjust. There will be a bit of a gain to begin with then you'll start to lose again. Try reading
    They're really great.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I was very excited today. My weightloss has sucked this last month despite doing really well with my workouts but today, I took my measurements and learned I have taken a half an inch off every one (except for the stubborn thighs, only a quarter of an inch there). I'm so excited. I'll take inches over pounds any day!!

    Goals for this week:
    Keep up on workouts, stay between 1400-1600 calories net each day, stick to iced tea or diet coke at Friday's happy hour, and not go too crazy on Sunday during the Super Bowl.
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    Hey ladies, well done to everyone who lost this week, keep at it everyone! Was a bit of a slow weight loss month for me, but I just need to keep ploughing on, in the hope that my body gets the idea that its meant to be losing weight! :laugh:

    Thanks Rach for doing the chart - fantastic job!
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm super upset :( I GAINED last week. Its the week I usually bloat because of TOM, but the scale said I gained 4.2lbs and I don't understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I soooo sorry im late! I hope it's still okay. I'm actually up 1 lbs this week :( 173lbs

    lol my husband tried a new salsa recipe so I've been eating my weight in salsa. So I'm hoping it's from all the salt.

    My goals this week:
    Bust my butt on the Jillian Michaels Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism video I just bought
    Weight training at least 3-4 times this week.

    Congrats to you all! Keep it up gals!
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